How to Make Money on Ponzi Schemes like Davorcoin! - #OPINION

in video •  7 years ago 

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There is no way of making money on ponzi schemes. Best thing is to stay away from scams. Don't mislead innocent people.

Well that's just not true... If you enter at the right time you can make money. Also If you actually watched the video you would realize that Peter isn't telling people to invest in Ponzi schemes... He is telling people to short them. Watch the video before assuming next time. And make sure to subscribe to Decentralized TV.

Well you don't own the truth. Just show me one person that got rich investing in ponzi schemes over the long term. It is certainly possible to make your money back and a profit in a few ponzies, but over the long term odds are to lose more than you make.

Shorting ponzies, it is actually almost impossible. Ponzi coins get traded in shit exchanges, I would never send money there, it is additional risk, plus most of them don't allow shorting.

"There is no way of making money on ponzi schemes." That was your first statement which i referred to as not true. You even just admitted its not true by saying that "It is certainly possible to make your money back and a profit in a few ponzies,"

Yes I agree that shorting Ponzi shitcoins would be hard if not impossible to accomplish I was just stating what was mentioned in the video.

Lol "Well you don't own the truth." Not sure what that means but i know its possible to profit because I have. I don't invest in Ponzi's anymore nor do I ever recommend that others do. I'm just speaking of facts some of which are personal facts potentially meaning I "own" them and i know them to be true.