Today I Caught My Best Wave Ever - And Filmed It For You!

in video •  7 years ago 

Energy and persistence conquer all things. - Benjamin Franklin

You can tell, Benjamin!

I'm not completely sure what was the exact reason for my today's breakthrough in the water, but a couple of hours ago I caught my best waves ever so far!

It may sound weird, but having watched the best surfers in the world during my recent trip to Indonesia was a great inspiration to me.

That, combined with the fact that I felt incredibly comfortable in my new boardshorts, was apparently motivation enough to get me to the next level of surfing.

You just can't imagine how happy I am today!

@surfermarly during today's session at her local spot

Don't set your goals too high!

After having terribly failed trying to catch some huge Indo waves, I felt a bit disappointed regardings my surf lately.

It's what happens when we set our goals too high.

Life goals - defined in whatever field of interest - need to be challenging but still accomplishable. There are few things more depressing than unrealistic targets nobody will ever be able to hit.

So I realized that I had set the standard too high - and did one step back.

This was one of the wisest decisions I've made recently - and the reward was one of the happiest moments in my life.

@surfermarly right after catching her best waves ever

There are few things more powerful than (literally) riding the crest of a wave.

Today I had a couple of these endorphin boosts that make you feel completely invincible.

Everything just magically felt into place.

The weather was tremendously nice and gave us a wonderful treat. There was almost no winds, mellow waves broke gently and often and the sun was shining intensly from the perfect blue sky.

Yes, I couldn't have scripted this day any better. But please get yourself a picture of the situation watching my today's video:

I hope you enjoyed it the way I did.

Remember: Life is way too short for bad vibes.

Much love,
Marly -


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Nice one! you got a bite out of board on the top of the nose? ouch. After about 6 months since our South Africa trip i've been kitesurfing past 2 weeks for 2-3 sessions too, finally back on the water. So good. Too much work has been going on (all for the best ofcourse :D) but being out on the water,... can't beat anything.

Oh I can totally relate Roeland! There are few things like feeling a wave that pushs you...:-) Good to hear you were able to enjoy a couple of nice sessions, too!

That bite was due to my unwariness ashore... no shark stories here :-)

So nice you stopped by my blog!!
Have a great evening

Fellow Dutchie! happy for you being able to have some great spare time, just swa your avatar drawn by @skyleap looks good! enjoy your downtime!

Awesome! :D

You know I had a feeling you'd come back better than before after the Bali experience, and it looks like this is the case!

It's totally the case and reminds me of this one here...:-)

Ahhh, lovely 😊

hehe :-)

Very impressive! Looks like Bali helped you push yourself to the next level! Now we just need more of this kind of awesome footage :)

It definitely did!
Thanks for the compliment :-) The day was perfect, and I'm pretty aware of the fact that I can't enjoy these conditions every day. But summer's finally arriving on Canary Islands, so: the best is yet to come!

Surfing in the shorty was a huuuuge advantage - and Bali did the rest then :-)

Yeahh surfing in a shortie, or even just boardshorts always feels best to me as well. Better enjoy every minute of summer! Greetings from the cold New Zealand winter ;p

What an exciting day. Very happy for you @surfermarly and so glad you got the video of it.

Yeah it was pure excitement and joy!
Thanks for stopping by once more @joalvarez, it's been a pleasure to share my day with you guys :-)

Oh wie schön! Es war gerade ein Freude Dir zuzuschauen. Mensch, das will ich auch!! Ich liebe das Meer aber bin eine so schlechte Schwimmerin und momentan zu selten da um das zu üben. Ich hatte vor ein paar Jahren mal so ein Erlebnis in Costa Rica wo mich die Wellen ziemlich mitgenommen haben und ich an den Moment kam, wo ich praktisch keine Luft mehr in den Lungen hatte. Dennoch bin ich wieder rein- diese Faszination ist zu groß. Danke für diese wundervolle Inspiration. Vll werde ich ja auch noch irgendwann zur Surferin hihi- aber momentan sind eher Berge statt Meer angsagt...

Danke Dir!
Oh ja, die Momente kenne ich sehr gut. Wenn man Extremsport betreibt, bleibt es nicht aus, dass man hin und wieder in Situationen gerät die viel Courage benötigen. Ich hatte als Kind und Teenager furchtbare Angst vor Wasser, war nicht einmal in der Lage zu Schnorcheln, weil ich allein die Vorstellung theoretisch Wasser zu schlucken nicht ertrug.... Interessanterweise hat sich das Blatt dann mit Anfang 20 gewendet als ich einen Tauchkurs in Ägypten gemacht habe. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich das kann - war dann aber von der Unterwasserwelt so beeindruckt, dass ich meinen inneren Schweinehund überwinden wollte.

Dass ich heute durch die Wellen tobe, fasziniert mich trotzdem immernoch :-))
Den Respekt vor dem Wasser werde ich nie verlieren - und das ist auch gut so, es hindert mich daran leichtsinnig zu werden und meine Limits zu überschreiten.

Danke Dir, dass Du vorbei geschaut hast - ich finde Deinen Blog und Deine Einstellung super, insofern freue ich mich immer, wenn wir chatten :-)
Hab einen super Tag!

Danke Dir für deine ausführliche Antwort! Beruhigend zu lesen, dass auch Du deine Ängste vor dem Meer hattest & alle Achtung wie Du das überwunden hast! Ich freu mich immer wenn Du mich auf meinem Blog besuchst! Will auf jeden Fall wieder öfter bei dir reinschauen, denn ich mag deinen Spirit sehr!

Hehe I loved your 💪 yeah I did this body language near the end!
Good thing you stepped back, gonna try that with my new board because i can't get it to work for me.

Hang loose 🤙

Haha, that one here 💪 is a heritage from my tennis career when I was a teenager. No kidding, all the big tennis players did it, and I loved copying it on the court :-D

Hang loose!!

Great video nice surfing.

Thank you! :-)

You are looking so cool and pretty. I also wanna surf..

Hehe, thanks for your compliment!
Where do you live? Don't you have an Ocean close?

Ocean is so far from my home.

It looks great seeing you do what you love.

I never was much into surfing myself, so seeing it being filmed from this perspective was a first for me. Also, that little droplet on the lens added a lot of charm, at least I think of it that way.

Yew!! 🤙

Yay!!! :-)

You really reflect everything you enjoy, I love the water but I'm still not the brave girl who will mess with a wave, but rather I've taken several rolls, then I see you and say, she is my hero and apart from that she loves what she does, so I can not see you happier, enjoy it!

To be honest it was really great to be a part of your best day of surfing ;)

While that little drop did came in the way but was ok at the end ;)

Liked the sentence

Life is way too short for bad vibes.

Glad to see you happy .

Keep surfing beautiful.

@surfermarly Have you ever surfed in Mauritius?

Not yet :-) So far: Canary Islands, Portugal, Maldives and Bali.

Look us up and we'll connect you with some great xpats and locals surf and kite surfers.

Thank you for using the portrait.(^^)