RE: Tim Pool: Sweden Is the Creepiest Country I've Visited and I Don't Want to Go Back

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Tim Pool: Sweden Is the Creepiest Country I've Visited and I Don't Want to Go Back

in video •  8 years ago 

It seems to me that the political situation in Sweden is becoming very extreme: all I see is bleeding heart liberals and the far right with nobody in the centre. Would you say this is accurate?
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Thanks! You're sort of correct, but I guess anything that would be considered centre in for example the US would be considered far-right in Sweden. The classical "right-wing"-party (Moderaterna) is way more left-wing than for example Hillary Clinton.

I grew up in Sweden in the 80s and 90s, and I got to experience first hand how repressive the system is and how some subjects aren't debateable. In my social studies class in high school I even got assaulted by the teacher for claiming that the Sweden Democrats weren't "racist" but "immigrant skeptics" (he, who wore a red star on his shirt every day by the way, threw a book in my head and screamed "racist" and threw me out of class).

We just learned to not discuss immigration. Today that's slightly changing, mainly because the success of the Sweden Democrats (who are centre in many ways, and just want to lower immigration to normal EU levels). But still there is a big taboo around this subject, and we're may who've lost our jobs our gotten kicked out of educations for expressing sympathy with the Sweden Democrats or advocating more restrictive immigration.