Livestreaming Games!! Rocket League, Runescape, and more!

in video •  7 years ago  (edited)

Come check out the live stream for all your live gaming needs.

Make an account on and head on over to my channel to chat with me and follow me while I play some random games with all of you! :D

With the substantial support I have been receiving here on Steemit this might just become a regular thing for me.

So far I have been having a lot of fun streaming the games I play. As well as even more fun talking to you and interacting with you as you follow my streaming, and my fun.

Thanks for all the love and support!

I hope to see you soon! :D

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deat @timbo you are so great ..i like your all
type of gamming video
so intersting..
i created a account


great !!

Very nice!!! You should use that account and follow me :D

obviously if you support me ,,i must enjoy your site,,

I mean click the follow button.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

owo you are looking so cool.
And I am with you in twitch.

Beautiful cars buddy🚔🚔🚔🚔 are playing good. I enjoy the the game.....rocket league is really interesting as the cars looks special, high quality graphics and sounds.

Buddy , i always support you and love to watching your twitch live gaming...@timbo.. You don't share your twitch live link bro..

Haha thanks again for letting me know! I just posted a new link :D

Thanks too bro...Now i am with your twitch live @timbo

You're welcome @timbo, we're behind you all the way. Keep up with your gaming, you rock

Thanks buddy! :D

You are sleeping crazy on this one, incredible from you boss, you just don't know how wonderful you are,this is really trick...

nice to see you, ami wating for your post, you doing greaat

Thanks! If you really like the streaming you should make an account on Twitch and use that account to follow me! Then you can talk in the chat as well as help me get to 50 followers! :D

Sir really great post great persons ..

I support your gaming.I every time watch your funny video.

Hi @timbo sir,
I always support you because I like video game.I hope you are a funny man.
Thanks for a nice post.

This game very good, there graphics and sound are nice.
I think all gamer like it.

really you doing reat job, you are a smart gamer, love like you live game. thanx for sharing with us @timbo

Thank you :D You should make an account on Twitch and follow me :D

sure i make that account.

sir @timbo,

Your gaming skill is amazing sir. just wanna join with you sir. Go on. This gonna be much fun sir. Best of luck

Thank you, you should make an account on Twitch and then use that account to follow me. That would be an awesome help to my gaming stream :D

awesome gaming video,,,these looks so uncommon ,,,i like gaming,,,specially like action and football game like FIFA18,,,thanks for sharing,@timbo
here a gaming video which i found on youtube

My support is always with you. Your every gaming review is great.

Amazing your video gaming typs.your gaming is really great. i also love your video game.
i enjoy video gaming with you....
Thanks for sharing dear,,,,,,

Hey friend @timbo
I join it and send friend request image image

rocket!! good one..

I have tried it, but have not succeeded.

You're welcome @timbo, we're behind you all the way. Keep up with your gaming, you rock