in video •  8 years ago  (edited)

As those who have been following my posts recently probably know, I've been toying around a lot with making photos look old. Like...really old. Tintype with mold & cracks old. Well, I also have a video I've put together which has a feel of old, damaged 8mm movie film that I dubbed "Strollabout". The point was to have it appear as a kind of "found film" edit. The kind of thing you'd find stored away on a relative's closet shelf after a few decades. Totally a mood study (going for simple but effective), as well as a study in film simulation techniques, using faux film grain and noise.

I posted this once before, but I felt that since the community has so many new people and my audience has grown considerably that I'd try posting it again.

Enjoy. :)

Gear used:

  • Canon EOS 550D
  • Sigma 17-50mm f2.8
  • 70-200mm f2.8
  • 10-20mm f4-5.3
  • GoPro HD Hero 3 Black Edition

Music: "Abandon Window" by Jon Hopkins

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awsome photography..

Nice and very beautifull @winstonwolfe

Wonderful Babe! thanks so much for sharing! :-)