How The Wii U Could Have Been Saved

in videogame •  7 years ago 

A new model of the Wii U could have saved the Wii U by getting of the tablet controller and it just being a tablet that would act like the tablet controller without the controller. If Borderlands were made on the Wii U, the map could be displayed on the tablet or display the item menu or the skill tree. If a Metroid game were on it, it would display the visors on the left side and beams on the right side of the screen. The tablet would be optional. The Wii U would have to be updated so it would make the tablet controller optional to use instead of mandatory. The pro controller would be the main controller and an updated pro controller with built in gyro with different colour combination. Make a Wii U with a higher hard drive of either 128 Gigabyte or 500GB.

Would that have been a good or bad idea?

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