Will Pokemon GO End Sit Down Gaming As We Know It?

in videogames •  8 years ago  (edited)

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If you haven't already heard about Pokemon GO, then you're living under a rock. Or maybe you don't have access to internet or the outside world at all. Regardless, Pokemon GO is a virtual reality game for Android and Apple devices. Players have to physically walk around in order to advance in the game. That being said, let’s look at how Pokemon GO is beneficial to the players AND how it may end traditional sit down gaming.

1.) Pokemon GO is beneficial to your mental health.

How can a video game benefit your mental health? Isn't playing video games bad for you? Well, not necessarily. According to Dr. John Grohol, the founder of mental health network Psych Central, playing Pokemon GO seems to be doing wonders for people’s mental health. This comes from users on Twitter who are admitting that they used to suffer from depression and anxiety, but after playing Pokemon GO they are feeling much better. According to Grohol, “The challenge has always been, if you’re depressed, your motivation level is nonexistent. So, you want to go out and get some fresh air, or even take a shower, and it can be a very difficult thing to even comprehend, much less do. I think the impact of something like this, this game, can really be beneficial.” Coming from personal experience, my mom has a mild form of Asperger's and normally never likes leaving the house unless absolutely necessary. However, since she started playing Pokemon GO, I am now getting at least one text a day from her asking if I want to go play with her at the park down the street.

2.) Pokemon GO is beneficial to your physical health!

With America being the leading country of obesity, we are hoping to see those numbers decrease with the rising popularity of Pokemon GO. Players MUST physically move and walk in order to find and catch Pokemon. The game uses the built-in GPS functionality of the player’s phone to make sure they are actually moving in the real world. They must physically visit “Pokestops” (nearby real-world locations designated in the game) in order to collect “Pokeballs” which are used for catching Pokemon. They must also be physically walking in order to hatch their eggs - which contain new Pokemon.

With that being said, you can't simply sit at home and hope to advance in the game, as it requires physical activity. Now I find myself walking miles everyday looking for new Pokemon and looking to hatch my eggs without even thinking about the fact that I am outside getting exercise.

Now that we've looked at the benefits of playing Pokemon GO, let's stop and think how this game may just change everything we know about traditional gaming. When you think of video games, you might think of a fat, lazy, middle-aged man sitting on his butt in the dark playing World of Warcraft on his computer. Pokemon Go may just change that stereotype. With the huge popularity of Pokemon GO, there’s no doubt major video game companies like Nintendo, Ubisoft, and Electronic Arts are taking notice, and will be implementing this functionality into future video games. Virtual reality where your physical movement is required in the game is the future of video games. Will this mean the end of traditional sit down video game play such as WoW and Call of Duty? Only the gamers of the future can answer this question for us.

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I don't think that will happen. The game type is not new, but this one just got hyped way to much.

I actually wrote a post about this topic earlier, check it out: https://steemit.com/pokemon-go/@mylolmania/why-pokemon-go-sucks

This is true.

Yes definitely! As Satya Nadella said, this is just the beginning, I also believe in the power of hololens, that's developed by Microsoft for Windows 10.
Pokemon Go is a milestone in mobile games, since it combines electronic fun to exercise in the open ground.

Congratulations for the Post! :D

-- ( portuguese ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sim, definitivamente! Como Sattia Nadella falou, isso é apenas o começo, também acredito no poder do hololens, que a Microsoft vem desenvolvendo para o Windows 10.
Pokemon Go é um marco nos jogos para celular pois alia divertimento eletrônico a exercício em campo aberto.

Pokemon go is great, but i dont actualy think so, couse it is only trending for a while.

Pokemon GO es la gran novedad. ¿Qué nuestra salud mental o nuestro físico puede mejorar porque vamos a dar largas caminatas para buscar Pokemon? Creo que es algo excesivo aunque no me atrevo a decir que puede que así sea , pero la realidad es que lo que si saben hacer atraparnos. Si hay algo que hoy nos parece indispensable es el teléfono móvil y si lo combinas con un juego nuevo, muy novedoso por su jugabilidad, que va a atraer a todos los niños y va a picar la curiosidad de los mayores, el impacto social va a ser brutal. Yo lo instalé ayer y hoy ya me a picado la curiosidad de buscar. En cuanto mis niños se enteren que lo tengo...estaré perdido.

Augmented reality is certainly going to be a growing genre of gaming but a lot of games just don't work in that format. Maybe virtual reality will be what replaces your typical FPS game. PokemonGo itself is a big change from how Pokemon games worked in the past. Instead of clicking on what attack move to use in turn based combat, it's a real time dodge and tap battle. For me, that kind of killed the excitement about PokemonGo but I'm glad others are really enjoying it. I think they should have had a more similar style to the old Pokemon games but maybe that system was too complicated for the average joe to be mainstream today.

Personally I never played Pokemon in the past, so I don't have anything to compare Pokemon GO to. But I can see how if you played the original Pokemon, this new version may not be as exciting. But the fact that players are physically involved with the game is what made it so popular I think.

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I don't think so...Not all games can be done this way. Can you imagine a Super Mario? XD Anyway, Pokemon Go was made following the line of Ingress so...It is not the first game that uses geolocalization and all that...so...definitely no. Nice post btw!