Short story with Unity engine - (Keep in mind this is a REAL TIME rendering)

in videos •  8 years ago 

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I used to be an Indie game dev. Though I have minimal experience with Unity I've always been impressed by it. This is just freaking awesome!

I wonder when the first full length feature film will be made with it lol. Seriously, I don't see any reason why that couldn't be the case. Imagine how much time and resources they'd save on a render farm and render times.

True, i wonder what hardware they osed on this...

There is a lot of super heavy shader work there so most likely some beefy GPU running in sli-mode or bridged (depending on the card) because I'm thinking they have to be running this thing on at least 2 video cards...

On 2nd thought, maybe not. I'm sure just one card aimed at gaming enthusiasts will do the job. I mean the entire engine (unity) was designed for real-time scenes to be used so just a single card would probably do this if it was "good" enough.