VideoSumo Demo1
# Love, Peace, and Happiness to Everyone # VideoSumo is designed to be both easy to use and to get your results fast.
You could use it for launch jacking you can see there's my video there on page one there's another there and of course you can check these for yourself so number four on page one for that phrase and I can do this because it's very, very easy quick and I'll show you some more results at the end of this video so in this video I'm going to take you through the basic process of finding keywords that you can rank for so I'll show you how to find the keywords how to extract the data and I'll explain why that will help you rank.
Almost instantly so the first step is to log in click there the next step is to create the campaign so you can name it whatever you like and then click create campaign so you can see that you have two modules here the first one is research so this is the module that is going to cover in this video and the second one is about creating your videos now you can use these as standalone modules so if you have say a bunch of videos on YouTube for example that you made for different products evergreen products in each product whatever and they didn't rank and you didn't get the results you were expected then you can reapply those videos with the correct data using the research module but if you'd like to make videos as well then you can do that with this module here which I'll cover in an additional video I'm going to call this one that's 4 and then we click there now the next step is to add in the seed keyword now this can be anything at all so you can target absolutely any nation makes no difference whatsoever so you're dropping the seed keyword here and you choose the location.
Ok here I'll suggest that you leave this as the United States but if you are looking to rank local videos say for local businesses for example then if you click the little arrow where you can choose different areas we'll leave that as the United States for now and then we'll put in a seed keyword here so I thought numerology reporting there and then I just click search you can see that videosumo starts to load and starts to extract the data now you can see that it's color-coded so we use a traffic light system to make it really, really easy for you to determine which keywords that you can target and which keywords you're going to be able to rank for so you can see the red is going to be difficult amber are somewhere in between and green is going to be easy that we suggest that you target a green phrase so numerology report number two for example or here's a great one here numerology report June 2018 that again just like any other keyword so you can keep playing about with this feature.
If you keep adding different phrases so for example if you find something down here that looks interesting you could take that one for example and then you could paste that in there and do another search but I'm sure you get the idea so you can see which keywords you're going to be a direct for and all you need to do is click for your data so on this page you can see the top-ranked videos for that particular phrase what you can do is you can extract the data so you can use this data on your own videos so for example this one is ranked in YouTube number two on YouTube and number nine on Google so what I could do is I can click there and then I could export all of the data so all I need to do here is export so this allows me to export all of the data I need in order to rank my videos for that particular phrase essentially the ranking factors for that keyword he can do this in any niche whatsoever so this is perfect for using with your own videos.
You can use this in any niche you can use this with existing videos you can re-upload those videos with the correct ranking data but if you don't have any videos the next step is to add this data like so and then create a video again I'll explain that in the next video now just before I finish this let me give you a little more inspiration.
This is my plug here and this post is here to promote a product, videosumo okay so the post is here and I wanted to drive additional traffic to this post and so I made a video which basically just has me narrating this post just parts of it and you can see here that I'm on page 1 out of 125 million for that phrase no the way I did this was to use videosumo, video zooming to swipe the details from this video here and use those ranking factors to rank my video and drive traffic to this post the same with this post here I did pretty much the same thing and ranked a video 421 thousands of results on page 1 and number 4 you see that that's page 1 no I am using google UK here so it may be slightly different wherever you are but you can see just how easy this is I've been able to do that just by using this software finding the right keywords and extracting the right ranking data in order for me to rank for those phrases so you have watched videosumo demo1, go ahead watch the next video – videosumo demo2, I'll explain how you can turn any website into a video, with videosumo.
As found on Youtube