There are a lot of people that live here that don't care for this time of year because for 2 months or so it is really likely to rain, a lot. For people that have to drive places it is understandable why they would dislike this so much but since most of what I do involves sitting in a chair in my house my only concern is making it to the supermarket during the windows of opportunity where it is not raining, yet.
I don't drive very often and I don't mind walking in the rain provided I have the correct shoes on. The constant overcast state might be depressing to some people but for me, the absence of the blisteringly hot sun here keeps the area about 5 degrees cooler just with that one factor. The humidity is still really high so people like me will still break a sweat but unlike other times of year, in late November until mid February, it is the only time of year where I can actually stop sweating once I have started.
To me this is a huge factor.
The rainbows still find a way to peek on through though and on my daily morning walks I normally can spot one or two and since there is no sky visible most days for the next 2 months, that is extra easy to spot.
Another great factor about this time of year is the fact that there are dramatically fewer tourists here because of the weather. For me, this temp that we have right now of around 20-22 degrees (Celsius) is much better than the 30 degrees plus that we would regularly have. The humidity is around 80% all the time so that is something that as a resident you just have to come to terms with and work around.
Exercise outside, if you can get a window of opportunity, is a lot more likely this time of year and I get out and have a walk for about an hour on most days. I don't know how good that is for me but I reckon that I burn some calories and also have my noise cancelling headphones on so I can get away from the constant noise of Da Nang pretty easily that way.
I did spot something pretty interesting on my latest walk and I have never seen this before in Da Nang.
Crypto has a rather strange legality in Vietnam. For one thing they don't really attempt to regulate how much crypto a person has but it is not legal to accept any crypto for purchases. Of course people do it anyway and I currently pay my landlord with various type of crypto. He has to work out the details as far as the paperwork is concerned and I get issued receipts that have a cash value on them. Is he technically breaking the law? Well I don't know exactly, since he submits a cash sale receipt to the government, I can't imagine why they would actually care. If he submitted nothing they would have a problem with that but since almost everyone pays their rent with cash or cash equivalents anyway, nothing is stopping him from not submitting the paper receipt anyway. I am not familiar with the process that they use.
Vietnam has crypto ATM's in larger cities but from what I have heard those machines charge something near 20% so they are just ripoffs.
Anyway. While the rain and dark skies might be depressing to some I actually really like it. Another added benefit is that construction sites are frequently shut down because of the rain and since this entire city is constantly under construction, I welcome that as well.