Big government announcement about quarantine in Vietnam comes tomorrow

in vietnam •  4 years ago 

Vietnam has done a fantastic job containing the virus. Whether or not this is actually true or even if it is a good idea to have almost no one exposed to the virus at all remains to be seen but for the time being, the natives, and the expats, are getting a bit restless.


The stats get rolled out daily by the government and if it can be trusted, it looks like they have done a really good job. The people are rightfully very proud of this and even though I have my reservations about the stats, it seems as though they could be the envy of the world if containment ends up actually being the best idea in the end. I think that for the most part nobody really knows WTF they are doing at this point and well, less dead is probably a good thing, especially if it ends up being sustainable.


When the "lockdown" was announced at the end of March it was meant to carry on until the 15th. The 15th came and while they did open up some stuff like take out and delivery, most public areas remain closed and non food or medicine oriented businesses were still require to remain shut. On a selfish note this has been problematic for me because I can't buy a bicycle :(

So basically the government told us that the social distancing measures were extended to the 22nd, which is tomorrow.

I have received some insider information that they are still not going to reopen everything but they are going to extend a little bit more freedom to us and then keep the rest still in a state of lockey-downy.

However, restaurants and bars are (from what I've heard) going to be allowed to reopen but with restrictions.


I don't keep it a secret that I love going to the bar. So this is very welcome news to me. However, the restriction is going to be that there are not to be more than 10 people inside any establishment at a time, which is still a bit shit but they have their reasons and I am not going to rock the boat.

The real problem this introduces is that my favorite happy hour pub well, we normally go there with at least 5 of us and normally we ONLY drink the buy one get one free beers. Since we are friends with the owners, this tactic of ours might be frowned upon since we tend to stay there for hours only to spend about $5 each... lol. I would imagine that the owners would still allow us to do this but we wouldn't do this to them. I suppose if anything this will just encourage us to walk our entourage around a do a pub crawl and spread the money around a bit... which is probably a nicer thing for us to do anyway.

It isn't official until tomorrow anyway, so if they do allow us to go to pubs in groups smaller than 10, that is a lot better than the zero that we are allowed to have in there now. So I'll take it!

What sort of restrictions does your community have right now? I know that in Sweden they never really locked things down much but from what I have been reading on some of your blogs it seems as though you actually have a lot more restrictions than I do.... and I live in a Communist country!

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I live in a world'd largest democratic country- India! Here we are under strict lockdown started from 24 th of march and will end on 3 rd of may as far as instructed by government till date. Probably after 3 rd we will be partially open with restrictions.
Hope you'll enjoy going out from today itself.

what's this i hear about internet being shut down for certain parts of the country? Any truth to that?

Nope, Not at all, Internet is available but in lower speeds that's it.

I too want to go out seriously, have fun at bar, Actually we also go during happy hours and use little coupons and offers to get discounted beer lol!
But our lockdown will end at 3 rd May but didn't think we will be given this lot of freedom.
You must start enjoy going out.

well we are still going to be careful about social distancing and what. No need to go crazy with it but it will be nice to have the option to go out a bit. Took that for granted before.

Ya! now feels horrible to realize how we took freedom as granted.