Archbishop Vigano's message to Trump.

in vigano •  4 years ago 

Archbishop Vigano knocks it out of the ballpark... again. Grand Slam. This is his second letter to Trump; the first was this past summer. Trump read the first one and talked about it favorably on twitter... so he knows exactly what’s going on.

I would recommend this to Christians, especially Catholics, but also to anyone who believes in God. I would also recommend it to anyone who’s unaware of the split in the Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council... this is coming from the traditionalist camp.

It’s interesting, and entirely unsurprising, that we don’t hear a single word about the evils of the World Economic Forum and its “Great Reset” scheme (justified by the plandemic) from mainstream media or other Establishment institutions. If they talk about it at all, they promote it... naturally.

So the only place to learn the truth is from traditionalist church leaders and others who are demonized by mainstream talking heads and propagandists as “conspiracy theorists”... even as it becomes more obvious by the day that this is all conspiracy reality.

This is an attempted global takeover, and as super villain George Soros said, “The 2020 election will determine the fate of the entire world.” True statement. You do know whose side Soros is on... right?

I would also recommend this video above, which covers the media induced idiocy over the plandemic from a traditionalist point of view.


Here’s super creep Bill not-a-doctor-not-a-scientist Gates and his super creep wife seconds after saying that the next plandemic (or the next stage of the current plandemic, or perhaps the next version of the virus) would really get people’s attention... after which both of them are literally unable to conceal their glee.

Gosh, how do they know? And why do they seem so happy about it? How is it possible that there’s anyone on Earth who doesn’t see what’s going on with this? Consider it the ultimate test of common sense and the capacity to recognize psychopathy. The video clip which this shot was taken from is contained in the video above.

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