I have the FBI on speed dial, and you can too!

in vigilante •  7 years ago  (edited)

I became a vigilante by accident, and I now have the FBI on speed dial.
Do you, too, want justice and like to fight crime in your pajamas? Then read on, my fellow caped crusader!

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First, the facts. What, pray tell, turned me from a petite, quiet introvert into a raging, justice-seeking lunatic? It was the one, the only....Craigslist. I know you were probably hoping for something sexier, but trust me, it's sexy. And there's an adrenaline rush with your name on it if you keep reading.

What I like to call "Operation Cyber Sleuth" (I don't say it out loud because of my lisp--Totally ruins it!) began innocently enough. I wanted to rent a vacation home for my family while they were in town for a wedding. I searched the more trusted sites first and didn't find much, so I tried Craigslist. Bingo! So many beautiful options, some right on the water, and at a fairly reasonable price. I requested info on just one home, and waited for a response, which came immediately from "Perry," who, when asked, said he was the owner. I'm no dummy so I did a quick search of the County Property Assessor's website to make sure the owner's first name was in fact "Perry." It was NOT, and to top it off, I recognized the name of the owner--It happened to be a well known local divorce attorney, whom I'll call Zane.

Most people would likely stop there, and just let it go.
I'm not most people.
I'm a justice-seeking lunatic.
So, over the course of the next few hours, Perry sent me a rental contract, his phone number, his email, and his local bank account to which to wire the money.

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Now back to Zane.

Wait. Let me stop you there and have you do me a favor.
If you live in a nice neighborhood or even if you don't, open a new browser window and find your local Craigslist. Under "Housing," search "Vacation Rentals." It's okay, I'll wait. Just come back when you're done so you can earn your very own super hero cape. I'll even let you choose the color.

You're back so soon? Of course you are--it only takes a few minutes to see if Perry has your house listed without your knowledge. If it's so easy, why are there so many fraudulent listings on Craigslist? A study in 2016 by the New York University Tandon School of Engineering found that there were 29,000 fraudulent listings in 20 different cities! (Read the study here: http://engineering.nyu.edu/files/McCoycraigslist.pdf ) .

If those figures don't get your panties in a bunch, you're probably a loser.
So, is YOUR home listed? If it is, congratulations! You're the proud owner of that adrenaline rush I promised. If not, I'm sorry and please don't sue me. But my home wasn't listed either, and yet here I am with adrenaline coursing through me so fast I can b a re ly ty pe. (sorry, editors!).

Now, really...back to the real homeowner/attorney, Zane.
Zane's house was right there online, with full color photos and a description that looked like it came from a real estate listing (it did, in fact, come from a real estate listing but I'll get to that later). As I mentioned, Zane is a prominent local attorney and so I did what all crazy people do--I called him. The conversation was awkward, and so much fun!
Me: "Hi, my name is Pamela and I think your home at XXX Blah Blah Street is fraudulently listed for rent on Craigslist, because a man named Perry claims he's the owner and tried to rent it to me."
Zane: "Oh?"
Me: "Oh yes!!!"
Zane: "WTF!!!!"

I sent Zane the link to his house, he verified that it was his home and needless to say he was not a happy homeowner.

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We flagged the listing for removal from Craigslist, and since it was attempted bank and wire fraud, I reported it to the FBI. I was not out of any money, but the FBI was very interested in getting Perry's contact and wire information.

End of story? Ha! Of course not, have you met me?! (You probably haven't but if you have, you'd KNOW this was just the beginning!).

Do you still want to be the Robin to my Batman? I'll show you how in the next episode. Or is it called a post? I don't even know anymore. I haven't slept in days. And what IS THAT stuck to my arm? Ewwww. Am I still typing out loud? Yes, Pamela, you are, and now you're answering yourself in front of everyone.
Oopsie. That happens sometimes.

Photo sources:
Superhero me (my original photo).
Liam Neeson : https://memegenerator.net/instance/59419071/liam-neeson-taken-if-you-attempt-to-craigslist-scam-anyone-again-i-will-find-you-and-i-will-kill-you
Scam Sign: http://www.pictame.com/tag/ScamAlert

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I find it interesting

Following..love this!! Great post!

This is a great story! Keep them coming!