vihangam yoga

in vihangam •  7 years ago 


Engola, Pingala and Sushmana are the three nadis, in which both the English and Pingala rivers both flow through the nostrils. Between these two nerves there is a pulse sensation, which has gone through the cranial fold to Brahma-Randhar till its state. What is Sushmana, which is closed and flows in England and Pingala. This Sushmana opens with Yogyukti by means of Sadhguru-Veda. In relation to this, Shri Sadguru Sadaphdefdev ji Maharaj writes in his Sadgranta 'Swarveed' ---

In the initial stage of yoga, both the inglue and pingala nodes in the process of yoga can sometimes go more and sometimes less, then the sushma opens. This common symptom is to be auspicious, which happens after the removal of the Kundalini by yoga. There is a different stream of flux; That is only by the sadguru-compassion, the yogic yogic.

In the context of Vihangam yoga, inner-element-mystical experience, when the relation of the seeker's special power begins to appear in the light of knowledge in knowledge, then on both sides, both of these nodes are closed and on the basis of the senses It starts trying to flow; But the sun temple is closed by the Kundalini by its own hands. Therefore, when the opening of the Brahma-pulse, there is a special computer in the removal of the Kundalini; Therefore, to move Sushmana to flow, Kundalini withdraws his fun from the Sushman Gaur. Same flame is called such a situation.

Shri Swamiji Sadaph Dev Ji Maharaj writes in relation to Sushmman-Flow in 'Swarveed': -

Eat kumbak karna karbhak, then take care of Sushman.
In a short span of time, gum sahaman ..
----- Heaven

By pranayam, the haterogamous people enter the Sushmana by dividing the wind into the sunlight by dividing the winds, the six chakras, till the end, but in the light of the yoga yoga, with the power of the Sadhguru, the conscious power of the soul, in relation to the Surat, There are special types of vibrations and thunderstorms. In relation to this company and trembling, Swamiji further writes: -

In the balance of the Kundalini, the remaining comp
Dharani Dhansi walked down, Meru compressed the thunderstorm ..
The ocean terms are immense, even when the mercury occurs in the comp.
Dosha direction pearl springs, diamond red ribs ..
----- Heaven

On leaving the Kundalini from the Sushman Gate, there is a tremendous amount of vibrations and tremors in this body with a special intensity. As soon as this spinal cord receives the unanticipated word-sagar, and Yogyasan becomes worshiped while diving in all directions in Amrit Paramanand. This is the post-succession. Only after the flush of flow is the fundamental knowledge of Vihangam Yoga

Regarding Sushman-Pradesh, Swami Sadaf Dev Ji Maharaj says: -

The pulse differs from Sushmana, Dasam gate to the cross.
The heart is sweetness, the word is the most basic.
----- Heaven

There is a subtle Sushmani pulse in the Engala and Pingala nadis, which went out through the Dasam gate. In the heart there is a place of Sushman, through which the soul is liberated from the nature 'triangle' by holding the wording with the grace of Sadguru Dev ji, through internal-discrimination. Again in relation to Sushmanna, Swamiji writes ahead: -

Pawan Gate became Sushman, not Surat words Nahin.
This mystery piercing, what the world knows.
----- Heaven

The action of blood circulation occurs in the corpulent anesthesia only by the oxygen. Inside this body is the most subtle pulse sensation in nature. The oxygen arrives in the pranayam through this same sensation. In the process of smell-flow, in the mysteries of the Sadhguru, Brahma Shakti descends within this body only by the Sushmana and the circulation of light, energy and oz is seen throughout the body. Hence Sushmana has also been called Mahapat.

In reference to Sushmana being called Mahapat, Shri Swamiji Sadaph Dev ji Maharaj writes in 'Swarveed': -

Shir Prana passes the heart of consciousness, and gives a positive sign.
Mahapat Sushman open, motion cylinders both floated.
Haras Jadaan Deviash Chetan, Gagan Asan Bandhio
The path-loving guru is merciful, yoga-experience sages.
----- Heaven

In the process of smell-flow, the body inside the body has a lot of vibrations in the universe and the head, life, heart, and consciousness of the soul - all of these are the auspicious and auspicious symptom of abstinence. At this stage, the life force starts becoming stable at its center. At that time the relationship of self-consciousness starts with a special power in the upward Gagan; By which the Brahma-Prabha grows inside this body and publishes the difference between the difference and the outside. Mr. Dharmadas ji tells in his 'Vocabulary': -

Sushman Sage Bachaoo Gagan, Raise Ratha Nihor
Dharmadas Binwaai Kar Jori, Saheb Kabir Bandi ...

Here, Mr. Dharmadas ji always pray together with both hands from Sadguru Bandhour Kabir Sahib. They show that the Dasam gate is the Sushmana pulse at the upper entrance of the Gagan Mandal, which is worshiped by Yogyukti and praises Sadguru Bandhour, in the Chetan Mandal. By continuously endowing the consciousness with its strong man's happiness, the worship of the supreme worship is done in the pure consciousness of the conscious mind. Explaining this fact, Shri Swami Sadaph Dev Ji Maharaj writes in 'Swarveed': -

Sushman Chanvo Dovalati, Naubat Anhad Baz
Flaming light, the word goes on forever ..
----- Heaven

When the conscious power of the soul becomes incarnate with unconsciousness, and becomes a devotee in the divine virtue located in the white land, then at that time Sushman swings and then a variety of infinite bajra starts ringing at the door. Divya Jyoti In the Chetan Mahamandal, intuitive sound remains broad and perfect, with the complete soundproofing.

In the state of bliss, there is flowing flow; In relation to which Swami Sadaph Dev Ji Maharaj writes in 'Swarveed': -

In Yoga practice, Prana Lynch sky.
Unselfish Sushman, Niripandha Prakash ..
----- Heaven

In the instrument of Vihamangam yoga, through the mysteries of the Sadhguru, the life force within this body becomes the target in the Mahakata and causes the movement of the English and Pingala nadis, and then in the state of unarmed, -flow. * After this, the Brahma-Prabha of the alphabets starts publishing the difference between the Sushman-gate. Without lightning, this light is not received. Sublimation flow occurs in the state of unshakable only after exercising Yogash from its strong man; Regarding the relation between Shri Swamiji Sadaph Dev ji Maharaj in 'Swarveed': -

Dasha Sushmana earnings, from doing duties and doing.
Name it in unbelievable, word of experience.
----- Heaven

Mahaprabhal Purusharthi is Yoghavasi. With the kindness of Sadhguru repeatedly practiced, the life and mind of the yogi are in its control and both the Ingala and Pingala nasaprasan become closed. Then, when unshakable, there is a flowing stream, and the sympathetic Sun attains the experience of the word-light. Regarding its importance, Shri Swamiji Sadaph Dev ji Maharaj writes in 'Swarveed': -

All knowledge is the tenacity, all the activities, chanting,
In Sushman speed communication, all the achievements are fruit bread.
Saints are mesmerizing, experience words samadhi
Slow down on falling, no downgrowth obstacle ..
----- Heaven

Brahmanism is the result of all the knowledge, tenacity, religion, karma, chanting and all the accomplishments, when there is a flow of breath through the kindness of the master in knowledge of the inner-element-mystical experience of Vihangam yoga. This is the great majesty of the moodflow. On being merciless saints, the Chetan Mahamandals of Samadhi are located in Virajdham and get the experience of vocabulary. When their consciousness is not stable in that Virajdham and comes downwards, then this transparent Saints resides in Sushman. From this they do not come down; Because in the philosophy of Vihangam Yoga, only half-land Sushmana has been said. Sublimated Yogis are continually in constant and pure form, and they are satisfied by drinking that Chetan Shantanand.
The science of Brahmakshithamangam yoga implies a warm flowing flow of love and devotion towards the master, in relation to which Swami Sadaph Dev Ji Maharaj writes in Swarveda: -

Wakt Shraddha Gurcharan, Open Sushmana Gateway
This is direct proof, multi-piercing mass crossing.
Ingela Pingala Sushman Nadi
Dispute the device to modify.
Sushman Open Tip Guru Dissection.
Guru Murti bus gagan achida ..
Open Sushmana Hoi Hoi
Easy seamless Samoan ..
Junk Prakrit Rambha is a stranger.
Auspicious suggestion should be this symptom.
All zoran aru chur pavane ..
----- Heaven

Sushman-gate (Dasam-Door) opens when there is fervent devotion and unique love at the feet of the master. This experience of Vihangam Yoga is the Sadhguru spirituality-based power in the principle of knowledge. Only the spiritual light of their differences is enlightened. In their divine light, the seeker gets animate light in the difference. Therefore, in the stage of Sadguru Dev, there is a warm flowing flow of self-devoted, exclusive reverence of the asylum seeker, and by sage-compassion. It is a direct yoga empirical knowledge. In this mysterious experience-philosophy, when the conscious power of the soul, Surati becomes steadfast in the divine idol of Sadguru Dev ji who is sitting in the Chetan-Mandal, with ease and flow of breath, Yogi Bhasi, soft-minded seekers, mute, words, good wishes This condition can never be obtained without a helplessness.
Spiritual master Satguru Shri Swami Sadaph Dev Ji Maharaj makes this fact clear and writes in 'Swarveed': -

When words come
Open Sushmna Gagan Co-op ..
There are two main thrusts, Sushmanna.
The climax of the world is rising.
Sanskar Guru Apna Apara
Open Sushmana Gay Sansara ..
Ingela Pingala should be eaten.
Var Spirituality Sushmna Pake ..
Approved Creatures Clean Officer
Open Sushmana Mangalchari ..
Pure Swan Convergent Flow
Different instinct Sushmana aaa ..
----- Heaven

When the conscious experience of Vihangam yoga shows the wording of the word in the word of consciousness, then the grace of the sage starts with the mercy of the master and Surti is upward and firm in its pure form. Once the mood flows, its flow is always upward, and the semi-pronged edge never becomes. Sushmman flow starts with the sacrament of the sacrament and the great grace of Sadguru Dev ji. After the flow of the mood, the Yogabhai sadak, after being incompatible with this world, comes in its pure form and lives in Chetan-Dham. Only pure cultural creatures receive spiritual life by achieving this position. After attaining its pure conscious nature, the consciousness of the Sushman-flowing Saints is always concentrated in the direction of animate land. It is a pleasant situation of the seeker. Shri Swami Sadaph Dev Dev ji Maharaj again writes in the 'Swarveda' while clarifying the sympathetic flows: -

Sadguru Dishi Sushman should be tried
Astrologers should come forward ..
Do not come to the front door open.
Moon sun shuts off ..
Knowledge is not good for the body.
Nahi Videha Sushman will not open ..
Two vowels should be blocked.
Fall saguru pad sadha pavay ..
----- Heaven

Sadhguru compassion is the flow of grace. When the mood flows begins, all the functions of the flush-flame are oriented towards Sadhguru Dev ji. Describing the situation, Swamiji explains that when the mood flows, it starts functioning between both the fingers of Angla and Pingala, and the verbs of the breath and the quiz stop and no speech comes out of the mouth; This body also does not feel good, and both the vowels, ie, due to the discontinuity of the nostrils, it begins to thrive. At that time his only protector is Sadhguru Deo Ji. * He gets comfort from falling at his feet.

Spiritual and spiritual master Shri Swami Sadaph Dev dev ji Maharaj used to devote his pure devotee, disciple and yogi in the souls of Gods, through a special charm, spiritual experimentation. In this context, written by Pt. Achleshwar Ji Mishra * is a memoir * which I am going to write in his words -

At about three o'clock in the middle, Swamiji invited his armchair and sat on him on the north side. Swamiji, along with Shri Vyavvrati, asked both of us (I and Sharyananda) to take one mischief and sit together. All three of us got together in the Siddhasan with one mischief. We were "vigilance" between us. We were sitting in front of the three Swamiji one distance away. The mouth of all of us was towards Swamiji.

Swamiji looked at "Parivruti" and said - This world is not yours. Your almighty Amrit Sansar- Aadcharadesh is somewhere. This world is a desolation. This is the country of death. Without a bereavement, you have to walk in the land of your eternal life. By saying so much, Swamiji started singing a hymn, "Sadhguru is Rangrej, Chunar Mori Rang Dari ............ etc." * In the second episode of the hymn singed by Swamiji, I saw the breath-taking function of "Vyarvarati" stopped. The hands and feet became very tight. The head and both the lip also got clogged up, as if the limbs were affected by paralysis. * Swamiji said to me, "Pandit! Look, if the pulse of Parvarvati is going on, is not it? What is the situation? " I saw his pulse, he was closed. The heartbeat was also blocked. The eyes of the eyes were curved. I told Swamiji - Bhagwan! The pulse and beating are also blocked, the face has also become distorted. The whole body is just as stingy. It will be all right! Swamiji and Acharya Shri Purna, who was sitting there on the rest chair only, smiled together.

Swamiji looked at "Vyarvarati" and said - almost an hour. Now my time of service has also been done. How long will you stay in this situation? Open the eyes! When Swamiji said so much, his body started loosening. The perverted face started to become natural, The brows, which had taken the form of curvature, began to be straight. Eyes opened The introvert became outwardly. * "Vyavvrati" started praising Swamiji by becoming a part of the land and bowing down to "Baba" and Acharya Shri First, he sat down and sat down at his place. Swamiji asked him what kind of world you were and how did he reached, what events have happened? Tell it all.

Swarajvati ji started to tell - Swamiji! When you looked at me and started to say that this country is not yours This is a desert country. After you have said that you have to walk your country, etc. - and started singing "Sadhguru Ho Rangrej-Chunar Mori Rang Dari", then there was a wonderful change in the same time. * As soon as the hymns begin, my breathing is pulled upwards from the cortex. It seemed as if someone had forced my breath out. I was losing the beauty of the gross body. * I was experiencing a painting type of painting in Muladhara, Manipurak and Swadhishthan Chakra. I also experienced that different types of light are shading at these centers. After this I felt that my heart is also vibrating with a microscopic pulse and the word "Gar-gar" * is also happening. Just a few moments after this word my whole heart was covered with a dense light. In this, I came to know that I am the only person who is the divine light - it is the light, "I am the Self". * Through this light all the nerves of the root-body-heartbeat and all the activities of life flow are moving . This light is contributing to all the business and mobility of the body. Then my consciousness reached the narrow cycle. There lightened a light with a light pulsation there. In this light, I felt that after being located in this light the seeker conquered hunger and thirst. The achievement of all these chakras was a different joy for themselves. Then I went to the mandatory cycle. With the chimes of "Omkar" on it, the manifestation of the full moonlight and the manifestation of "" is manifested in itself, very awful and pleasurable.

After this I heard many words * between the middle of the head and came to the place of the sound of "rehearsed". * The sound of "rehearsed" was clearly heard. There sounded the sound of the hour on me too. The Divine Light was also a great joy. * In that light, many Siddha men and Goddesses appeared in the form of body. * Being present in that light, like I was free from sin. At the same time, I had such an experience that * Some power has reached the last end of the arc from the spinal cord with electrodynamically, with a rustle, which resembles electrical power. * I thought that the fire-breathing fire has been lit simultaneously. I have experienced that there has been a thing from there and I have now come to a state of vanishcy in the sky. After recovering from this situation, * a very fine white lotus flower appeared. * His entire foliage was below. The only fiber I saw in the lotus tube, which is very fine fibers. * Your words were heard over there - by catching this glowing fiber, which is also felt from the heart, climb up and down (by your consciousness). * It was difficult to climb the fibers and climb upwards. I remember you, caught that fiber, and I do not know which superpower, with the grace of the great power, I reached in a subtle pulsing Maha Prakashak. I was well aware of the infinitude of that great light. My consciousness or consciousness was completely out of the physical body and was transformed into eternal. It seemed that my transition is increasing in this Nikhil creation. My limited physical vision is expanding and expanding. I am touching the limitlessness with the inherentness. By touching the infinite as my consciousness is now being universal, I was just as experiencing myself. The remote dignitaries and their irrational distances were coming to my periphery. At that time, I had an infinite joy. I found myself surrounded by the sensationalness of a renewable joy. Originally I saw the whole world as being unaffected. There I found myself immortal with eternal, everlasting happiness. * Seeing the atoms and the entire universe in the sparkling and subtle shakiness of that light also staggered.

From that spontaneity of light, the process of construction was seen to be complete in the blinking of various types of divine bodies and Sun Chandradi. The order of destruction and construction was going on indefinitely. In the harmony of that light, construction and destruction were rendered in the infinitude of its innate nature. The degradation and development of the entire universe and eminence are also under this lenient and universal power. At that time, I myself had also sustained the same eternal in my own, or say that he himself came upon eternity on my own. * On the same surface, the word "Akar" of Brahman was listening to a lot of sounds. * Later, the word seemed to be burning in Nikhil creation and atomic molecule. I'm still listening to that word. By seeing all these scenes and in the achievement of this Brahma power, I experienced that all this and Nikhil creation too are my own art. I am the only foundation of all these regulation. Only the creation of the world, the situation (pausing) and the destruction of me. * I am the only Brahm Shakti and I am Brahma. I am convinced "ego brahamasmi". *

  • When you echo within "Ego Brahmsmi", you have appeared there and say - you are not Brahma. Here, in this very small subtle manifestation, enter into it through its consciousness. * By reaching there, you will become acquainted with the ultimate reality - Paramrahma. I tried tirelessly to bring my safety inside that very microscope, but could not succeed. Only then did you make an attempt while remembering and entered within that subtle gate. * You appeared there for a moment and again became invisible. I was now in such a great light, where there was no vibration of any kind. The great light was calm, cool and stable. Mahaprakash himself was nothing but ultimate pleasure. In that absolute joy I was losing my way in such a way as I myself would be joyful. There I was enjoying my goodwill with devotion and devotion. I was experiencing that this joyous person is "ROSO VASS". Only then * a voice was heard in your situation. "This is the three feet of nectar", this is the role, this kshantika Sahasra is the highest man. * There is eternal, joy and inexhaustible and absolute truth. It is both on Sat and Asat. To achieve this, the ultimate Purushartha yogi should do it. This power is a great shadow.

In the latent Kootastha 'A' letter, this power is giving vibrancy or speed to the creation, position and destruction, but the Self is without motion, it is not only a spontaneous expression. * By coming here, the soul returns again from birth and death and becomes available to immortality. * Take this infinite, eternal joy and drink it. This is your own country. This 'Sahasrshrishna Purush' is your eternal 'pranasakha'. Right now, I was enjoying the amicable pleasure, that * your words echo, come down, it is time for service. Do not know what power you used, I came into the body from outside. * By saying this, "Vyawarvati" began to reappear, but Swamiji reprimanded him and he returned to the world. At the same place, "Shreeyananda Sadhu" was sitting on a seat. He cried to Swamiji - You have not given me anything. Swamiji rebukes him, saying that there is a service inside you, where you should be given it. Be the first to become a super-valued servant. * Only Sadhguru offers everything to the serving servant. So be the first servant. *

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Gurudev namah.

Jai satguru dev