The establishment of Village Innovation Implementation Team (TPID)

in village •  7 years ago  (edited)

Kruenggeukueh, October 25, 2017, Head of Dewantara Sub-district, Drs Amir Hamzah, facilitated the establishment of Village Innovation Implementation Team (TPID) of Dewantara Sub-district held at Village Hall of Kecamatan.
In his speech, the Head of Dewantara Sub-district affirmed the importance of solidarity of the Geuchik in Dewantara sub-district to jointly formulate the Gampong governance plan as mandated by the Village Law, such as coordinating with the Camat and Forum of the local village head.
Dewantara Sub-district regrets the lack of presence of the Geuchik in various meetings held by the Sub-district, both meetings related to the Village program and other meetings, so that the HR and SDA Desa in Dewantara often escape the surface and rarely become an urgent topic to be discussed and formulated into seuatu Innovative Village Development Layout.
Furthermore, the P3MD Aceh Utara Expert, Muhammad Ismail, explained about the Village Innovation Program which became the program to develop the direction of the village development proposal to the development of more varied and non-bid proposals on the proposed types of infrastructure, but the proposed Village can be developed on new things or things that have never been done before.
Muhammad Ismail motivates the Gechik by opening their views to be able to implement multi programs in a form that more touches the basic pattern of the village based on the right of village origin, so that it can expand the range of village development that has been established as the Law of this Country, so do not let us seem to run out ideas for building the Village. So with this the Government launched the Village Innovation Program for the sustainability of community welfare.
In the election of the TPID, elected 7 people from the Community proposed by representatives of 15 Gampong in Dewantara, with representatives of women as many as 3 people, those elected are Fuadi, Rosmiati and Susi Yuliana from Kemungkiman Cot Murong Marzuki H.A. Cut, Muhammad Yunus, Yuhelimi Yunus BSC and Nurul Fatmi, from Kemungkiman Krueng Geukueh, entrusted to explore the potential of the village in Dewantara sub-district and make it an Innovative Village program, as a form of Village Innovation.
The selection of TPID was also attended by Expert of Insprastructure and Expert of TTG of Regency and Village Village and Local Assistant of Dewantara Village.

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