On Topic | Planning My Pilgrimage To The Magnetic North Pole (Part 1)

in vimmtv •  6 years ago 


On Topic | Planning My Pilgrimage To The Magnetic North Pole (Part 1)

Category: liveshow
Sub-category: Academy

Click here to watch the live stream!

It's 2019, and I have to prepare, and all I can rely on is a compass, and flat earth maps from the 1500's and 1600's?

Martin Kenny - As above - So below...As within - So without (Flat Earth Universe)

The symbol of the Swastika and its 12,000-year-old history:

Largest Early World Map - Monte's 10 ft. Planisphere of 1587:

Astrology with Ariel - Reading for Ebon 06/23/2017 (Ebon Kim):


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Where to watch my Livestreams (d.tube isn't working for me, so I'm trying out Vimm.tv):

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D.Tube was not working for me for awhile - I turned off my adblocks and all addons, for that site and it worked - its also really fast for me now - if you use VPN, connect to NZ - I am interested, and will follow your journey. I hope you are safe on your journey though, because that is a rather long one!

Thank you, Ed! I will try those methods for D.Tube. I totally forget to respond to comments on Steemit, will have to check comments here more often!