what's happening with tezos!

in vincentb •  7 years ago 


Is this the beginning of the rise to the moon?!

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It could be, because of this: http://fintechnews.ch/blockchain_bitcoin/statement-concerning-tezos-crowd-contribution-tezos-foundation/14375/ the last sentences is great: "We consider it likely that the Tezos project will suffer delays as a result of the internal differences. Nevertheless the crypto assets which were collected through the Crowd Contribution, while to a minor extent hedged/liquidated against various fiat currencies at this stage, for the most part are still being held by the Tezos Foundation with BTCSAG acting as a mandatory co-signatory service provider. As previously stated, to our current knowledge, no funds have been lost, mismanaged, stolen – nor would it seem they are at risk hereof.

Thus from the best of our knowledge, the Tezos Foundation remains one of the most well funded blockchain projects in the history of decentralized services, its current internal issues and disagreements notwithstanding."

i can't wait tezos to go live