The Crypto Update 1/7/2018 - Hardware Wallet WARNING!

in vincentb •  7 years ago 

The Crypto Update is published every single day by John M Disque

The Health of The Market
The Top-10 Volume Coins
The Top Crypto News (James Altucher To Launch New Exchange / What You NEED To Know About Hardware Wallets)
Q&A with John Disque (BCH-trashing, New CU Schedule)

No Bots, No Links, No Referrals, No Affiliates, No Scams

Details in video below..


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Great idea changing the produce/release time. Thanks for the 411 on Altucher. Saw a advertisement by him on an investment opportunity that expires 3 Feb I think. Didn't look very closely cause though could be scam with time pressure as incentive. May follow up now and take a peek at what he is selling.

Let me know when you find out, but don't link it.

very informative vid. thank you man. I like your idea about cryptos.

Thank you @dimitar.