Bronze Age Classic Comic - Brave and the Bold from 1981

in vintage •  8 years ago 

Brave and the Bold #175 (June 1981) by DC Comics

Cover by Jim Aparo. "The Heart of the Monster," script by Paul Kupperberg, art by Jim Aparo; Lois Lane asks for Batman's help to locate Metallo, who is in Gotham City searching for the surgeon who transplanted his head onto a robot body. Gold Mine Rescue Hostess Twinkies ad with Superman. Back-up story: "Queen: En Prise!", script by Cary Burkett, art by Dan Spiegle; Nemesis learns that Chesterton ultimately plans to kidnap the queen of England.

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Do you own one of this in real life? Man this is really nice! I love comic books since I was a toddler haha Used to have my own collection. This one is definitely a collector! Metallo used to be one of Superman's most feared enemy thanks to his cryptonite heart. I didn't know Batman used to fight this guy. Thanks for sharing, awesome post. :) Upvoted!

All the comic books are for sale, I just figure when selling comics online people want to see what they are getting plus the bonus of sharing some cool comics. If you ever are interested, you can spend STEEM, Bitcoin, and all sorts of CryptoCurrencies to buy (credit card accpeted too)

OH that's amazing thank you! I might buy some ! :)