Escaping Evil - Using The One Law to Recognize EvilsteemCreated with Sketch.

in violence •  7 years ago  (edited)

Escaping Evil - Using The One Law to Recognize Evil

To escape Evil first you must recognize it.

It can be very simple to recognize Evil intent before it claims a victim.

The key to recognizing Evil is to look for indication of intent to Harm someone.

The One Law defines Harm as
an Action performed without permission upon someone harming no one else.

If you observe someone who Harms others then you can know for certain they may eventually victimize you.

It is unnecessary negligence to wait until someone is victimized to recognize Evil.

How can we avoid this negligence?

In the context of The One Law all that is necessary is to recognize
those who intend to Harm someone who is not Harming anyone else.

An example might be a call to imprison prostitutes, execute drug addicts and dissidents.
Some governments and societies kill people for religious or social reasons which Harm no one.

Strong examples are violent intentions against children, the weak or elderly.
Other examples are violent intentions against people who share some common characteristic.

The most important aspect of The One Law in this regard is that
The One Law does not recognize any kind of differentiation between Beings,
except that a Being is someone who is not Harming another Being.
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The One Law recognizes neither gender nor age nor any other circumstantial attribute.
The other important aspect of The One Law is that it is an Action
by one affecting another, specifically without permission.

Recognizing Evil simply requires recognizing those who intend to Harm others.

Although Evil prefers organizations of authority and power
such as government, police, and other similarly authoritarian organizations,
it can also be a single entity simply preying upon whoever it finds it can overwhelm.

Indicators of Evil intentions:

  1. The very first indication is Othering
    Othering precedes:
  2. Threats to Freedom
  3. Threats to enslave
  4. Threats of violence

Othering is a process of redefining a population into an us vs them.

The definition of "them" follows some characteristic which cannot be modified or abandoned.
Aside from natal characteristics such as skin color, gender, or birthplace,
Othering can encompass such things as historical or cultural attributes.
People born into one culture or religion may assimilate completely into another culture
and still remain "Othered" as if they had never adapted.
"Othering" also includes failing simple tests for weaknesses.
Those who exhibit weaknesses or vulnerability become prey for predators.
Prey are often cultivated to serve as a continuous source for whatever Harm may extract.

What occurs after Othering begins with

Threats to Freedom

The hunt by a pack of predatory animals illustrates what occurs to Freedom after "Othering".
After identifying and selecting prey,
predators first curtail Freedom by chasing prey into a limited area of engagement.
By eliminating all opportunity of escape,
the predator eliminates Freedom.
After Freedom has been lost,
the prey is subject to exactly whatever the predator chooses to inflict.
Although it is commonly not recognized,
the absence of Freedom is in actuality imprisonment.
Imprisonment may be as explicit as being fettered to a wall in a dungeon,
or it may be territorial in the way that national boundaries serve as prison walls for caging populations.

Once Freedom has been eradicated, Slavery can be coerced.

Threats to enslave

Absent the ability to flee,
a population can be coerced by many means to comply with predatorial dictate.
An imprisoned population is always held ransom
by natural requirements of food, shelter, and other necessities.
The ransom is redeemed by compliance with whatever Evil chooses to require.
By requiring productive labor in exchange for necessity,
slavery can yield a profit to Evil.

When compliant slaves cost more than they produce,
then the resulting violence begins as Evil reduces costs.

Threats of violence

predation ends when the Evil resolve to cripple or murder the imprisoned.
Murder or incapacitation permanently ends any opportunity of the imprisoned to regain full Freedom.

In conclusion,
give first attention to anyone who cannot tolerate The One Law,
recognizing this the first indicator of Evil.
It is simple:

  • If someone says it is okay to Harm someone in special circumstances,
    they will probably find some way to justify Harming someone in any circumstances.
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