
in violet •  9 years ago 

 Fireweed is a perennial (rarely annual) herb. Depending on the kind of fireweed height may exceed the height of a man. Stem rhizome thick, creeping. The stem is erect, smooth, branched. Leaves entire, smooth. Flowers clustered in large, long brush on the tops of the stems. Flower color in most species of fireweed purple-red. The fruit — capsule. The seeds of fireweed are small, provided with long hairs.

Best known for more than 50 species of fireweed.

Growing conditions fireweed depend on the plant species. Most species need moist soil and grow best in marshy lowlands or on the banks of the ponds. Fireweed hairy tolerates even flooding up to 10 cm Epilobium angustifolium (fireweed) prefers dry sandy soil and fresh felling. Fireweed mountain origin requires a sandy, rubbly soil.

Fireweed, require wet soils, used in ornamental horticulture for decorating ponds. Kiprey (Ivan tea) as a base to consolidate the soil. Miniature mountain views are perfect for the rock garden.

Fireweed is used in food as a component of salads. Sheet use of fireweed for tea.

Fireweed — a medicinal plant. Its therapeutic properties known since ancient times. Flower fireweed is lovely honey.

Fireweed does not require special care. 

Fireweed grows very quickly, so you have to keep taking over the whole area in group planting.

The plant is propagated by seeds.

Fireweed is susceptible to attack by aphids. The leaves of fireweed growing in a very wet place, can be covered with mold.

#violet #essay #nature #plants #flowers 

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Love Em
Thx 4 posting

Beautiful. This has inspired me to do another art piece. The colours. Thank you.