Keep an eye on Virginia today (Jan. 20, 2020 and beyond...)steemCreated with Sketch.

in virginia •  5 years ago 


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I can't help but to make a very short a quick post about what is to occur today in Virginia.

If you are unfamiliar with this news you can catch up on it here, here, and here.

And from today's news:

And the following article from Mike Adams of is particularly insightful:

While it may appear a bit far-fetched to many, what Adams states in the article could indeed become reality given the current state of affairs in the US.

While I doubt that a false flag may actually occur (we've exposed the possibility, hence now unlikely), it wouldn't surprise me at all that the Deep State Demonrats et al. have enacted plans to send it instigators (a la Antifa) to foment conflict and make 2nd Amendment patriots look like MAGA Gun Goones.

This issue (of gun control) is just too important to the Deep State who will spare no expense to fulfill this agenda.

But, it will be interesting to see how Virginians respond to this Deep State/Democratic Party power grab with the events that will take place today and in the coming days and months.

So, let's all keep a watchful eye to expose any such wrongdoing on their part, so as to not let them control this important narrative.



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The dice have been cast.... outcome unknown but coming soon.
I hope for peace, but the power of the people eventually needs to be felt. It could be messy at some point, and that's not good, but it might be necessary for liberty to return. Good luck to all, sic semper tyranis.

sic semper tyranis

Thank you for sharing this. I wasn't aware of this Latin saying, nor its Virginian contextual version , particularly how it was used in an educational context.


It is highly appropriate and relatable in so many ways. Elites are so obsessed with power and control that they tend to forget that we the people hold greater power when we choose to stick together (rather than be duped into being divided).


P.S.: Now following you.

Glad to help, and thank you for the full story, I hadn't heard the entire thing before.
Great saying, for sure. Who can fault it? Is it not true? Is it not right? :)