"I have a relationship with a girl whom I have never met. Could it be real love?"

in virtual •  7 years ago 

Excerpt: virtual relationships become more popular. People meet each other online, sometimes years, before they meet in person. Do not fool yourself - this type of relationships is nothing less than the physical interaction. In fact, the preparation on the virtual arena allows people to better prepare for each other, to go deeper into their dark sides and release them, so when they finally meet, physically, their relationship can be more mature. The virtual time spent with another does not have to be filled with words and discussions only. The fact that the physical element is missing is minor, and thanks to technology people can feel almost as if they are in the same room. If you are involved in such relationship remember that you DO have a relationship with another human being. Dignity, respect, honesty, compassion, are just a few of the virtues you would want to practice.


Credit: Sam Woolley


Although I don’t know her very well, I have become best friends with a girl through a forum and then an online chat. And although we have never met in person she really trusts and believes me. Does this mean that she loves me? She also tells me “I love you in Christ”. She calls me to say “I miss you a lot” and I reply with the same phrase but in my case, I’m just kidding with her because how can I trust someone I have never seen?! Can you comment on the situation?




It is obvious that you have allowed yourself to welcome the living essence of love into your life. That created for you the potential for a romantic relationship with the girl you virtually met. You ask "is it love?" and my answer is a resounding yes! If you choose so. Release all the old notions you know about love, all the kitschy fantasies that you were shown (in Disney films for example) and bask in the experience in the now moment. This is Love for you. And it's glorious.

It is for you to decide what will happen now. You should consider the following facts:

  • People’s emotions are at stake here and therefore you should be careful not to play with them. In your situation, there is no certainty what the future holds and both of you enjoy the shield that the virtual connection provides. However, saying things that you don’t mean, or expressing yourself in a way that might mislead the other is not appropriate. One of the basic elements of real-love is to be clear and direct. Are you brave enough to talk with this girl about your dilemma? Can you be mature enough to speak about your thoughts with her directly?! It is a test for you.

  • Trust is a key issue in every relationship. In many cases, one is required to give love without knowing how it will be accepted by the other side. Right now you are afraid to trust her. That’s all right. But can you trust your own feelings? Do you know at all what you feel? It seems that you like talking with her, that you enjoy your communication. Isn’t that true? So, why don’t you tell her so?! Are you brave enough to compliment her without expecting anything in return?! Without knowing for sure that she loves you?!


Credit: Pritesh Patel

The field of love is not always clear and cultivated. Mostly at first it is a vague territory in which we have to follow our hearts and boldly trust the inner urges that drive us to reunite with someone we like. You have nothing to worry about so fear not. Simply act and know that you are safe even if she doesn’t love you. The lesson here is for you to develop virtues of kindness, honesty and daring. In your case, there is no better time to do it than this moment.

Good luck!


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I Know of 2 couples who were online friends and then became in a relationship. Then after their first meeting married so far been 10 yrs they are still married

u should meet her becoz she can be the love of ur life ... She can be the one ....

I really do not think so, that is so naïve.

Love is full of faith. So, to meet each other is not important. Love has no real definition. Love is love. I think unseen love has strong feelings than seen love. Thanks for sharing your critical idea.

Love is not that to see her/him and then decide to be as a lover or friend or anything else...

Love is feeling... Feeling of respect, care, importance...

If anyone do these thing so its mean he/she loves you... And love is not done by body, face, cuteness or beauty... Love is feelings. If she give you respect, care, support, importance definitly she live you...

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A nice post.
As start a real relationship some couples met in social media. They keep in touch through online, and more closer. Someday they decide to make a real relationship in phisical face to face.
My neighbor is an example in this caae. The wife is a teacher and they met in online relationship. They have a daughter who is in first grade of junior high school.
So your post is true and your advice is brilliant

Warm regard from indonesia

A nice post.
As start a real relationship some couples met in social media. They keep in touch through online, and more closer. Someday they decide to make a real relationship in phisical face to face.
My neighbor is an example in this caae. The wife is a teacher and they met in online relationship. They have a daughter who is in first grade of junior high school.
So your post is true and your advice is brilliant

Warm regard from indonesia

A nice post.
As start a real relationship some couples met in social media. They keep in touch through online, and more closer. Someday they decide to make a real relationship in phisical face to face.
My neighbor is an example in this caae. The wife is a teacher and they met in online relationship. They have a daughter who is in first grade of junior high school.
So your post is true and your advice is brilliant

Warm regard from indonesia

Ofcourse it can be, as we know that love is blind...
But the thing matters here is that you both should accept each other..
I am glad to see you in love ..

Up voted ,

I find my true love in india ,

There is no rules :-)

@nomadmagus i am so sory. I make coment in your post until three times. It cause i use esteem in my trip to hometown when read your post. I type a comment and when i push post button the connection is bad. So i try pudh again and again.
Not my willing to make you disturbed
Once again i am sorry.

No worries. 👍

From the way you narrated the story, it is obvious you love her in return, but you are afraid to trust your instincts.

Try and release yourself and let the strength come from within you.

I wish you goodluck

Thank you @nomad-magus for another beautiful interpretation

Of course it can be love, but I wouldn't call this a relationship - at least not as in the meaning of "we are a couple". The thing with these kind of virtual "relationships" is, that they are often used to avoid real intimacy (on every level) and therefore missing the important part of learning and development in a real relationship.
It's way easier to stay in your ego, when you can always "turn off" your partner with a switch, whenever it gets complicated and challenging...

Still, for some people online dating is a great blessing as it allows then to take things slowly.

Yeah, I have never been a take-it-slowly-guy 😀
In my life it was always all or nothing - but I guess, I'm also not a normal guy 😀

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Love is a great fundamental aspect of life that bounds us together in perfect unity. When practicing/demonstrating love we ought to understand that it is deeper than just a mere feeling.

When we choose to love it has to be with a whole hearted devotion having no strings attached/conditions.

A careful analysis, study and understanding has to be attained by an individual before making up his mind to fall in love with some one.

Thanks so much @nomad-magus for handling this life query at hand in a professional manner evidenced by the brilliant explanations above.

Good articel my Teacher @nomad-magus
In my opinion, this is the sense that They believe to be the sense of love, actually just curiosity mixed with the illusion of happiness. The delusion about happiness later keep them enjoying it. Plus each do not yet know the actual circumstances. The circumstances of each. That looks obviously only the excess, if deficiencies are usually not very painful and are still understandable.
This can occur because of the nature of the people who love each other, there will be shows lack completely. The excess is shown. Includes photos, certainly will try to showcase the best. In addition, the promises already disclosed making one party be more excited and make it more deepen imaginary happiness.

People are still curious to others, usually to imagine what will happen to resemble as desired. In fact, it is very likely it is far different from what was imagined earlier. Could have been very disappointing in the end.
Then, every so often the person who admits feeling love without meeting face, repeatedly feel uneasy. The anxiety was created because too often expect. Expect about a happiness if it could meet and undergo a serious relationship with people who have never met. Or at least hope to have the pleasure as desired.


I think this is not real love, that's only our feelings. Not love.

Love comes in many shapes and colors

Mr @nomad-magus I do believe that people can do live real love even though they have started their dating via online forums and chats. To me I started off with my girlfriend via online chats on whatsapp and it too quiet some good without seeing her, but eventually I meant her and we started on now living together in real love.

I reply with the same phrase but in my case, I’m just kidding

I don't think it is good to make other people believe we have feelings for them when it is clearly not the case.

Perhaps the other girl feels alone and that is why she is trying to be in touch with people online.

I think it would be wise to have a talk with the girl about this issue and leave everything clear.

I'm struck by the fact that he won't use the truth, if you base any relationship on lies, I don't think it has any basis in the future, the lie will soon go away, the best thing is to be clear with yourself and ask yourself if you don't want to hurt anyone, if you are open to love, it will surely come to you! My brother met his wife on the internet, they get along great these days.