The world seen through smartphone screens and camera lens

in virtuallife •  7 years ago 

This is probably the third article I write about how technology and smartphones in particular affect our lives and it seems that I can't get enough with the subject. Why? Probably because I use also my smartphone alot while realizing at the same time that I am not the only one addicted to a 5"screen.

WhatsApp Image 2018-04-06 at 13.02.26.jpeg

However, I think smartphones are an important step in the evolution of technology, but at the same time a consumer of our reality. The reality that surrounds us and which we are increasingly ignoring. For several years now we are increasingly attracted to discover nature through a phone screen rather than exploring it with our own eyes. We don't seem to like that much anymore to feel and smell it.

The phone screens are not the only ones that attract more and more our attention, but also VR gears that are becoming more and more popular. Systems that give us a virtual ... reality. Why would we want a virtual reality? What's wrong with the real one?


It seems the virtual is more appealing than the one we have ever since birth. Some people prefer to see a concert through a 5 "screen sharing at the same time the event with some other dozens of friends who "like" to watch this live on Facebook. That's how we start getting more and more content with a second-hand reality that we want to share with others.

Even a romantic dinner is a good chance to become a duel of the lights from the phone screen, and there's a big chance that we will be cheating our actual partner with a virtual one. It seems that flirting with someone through social media networks is considered "cheating".


Unfortunately, the children are also caught in the giant smartphones web. Not just as users who become more and more often, but also as used. I have often watched on Facebook parents who were filming their children almost daily and even several times a day to post videos of them on the famous social networking site. It's sad to see that happening.

How did nature or a simple concert become more appealing on a screen I do not know, but it seems like they are. It's interesting that even if we decide to go out in the nature, we can not give up taking pictures every five minutes. Even more interesting is that we never go back to the gallery to see them just as we did with photo albums. What then is the secret behind the mania to take pictures if we don't even bother seeing them again?


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