I wanted to offer a quick update- search the below list and if you are using one of these you are at high risk. Change your password now. This is a list being used by malware that is circulating now, if you use any of these passwords you are at risk for having your computer and accounts compromised.
In more fun news, some of these common password choices are pretty entertaining. People are fun.
Password | |||||
0000 | alison | cool | hobbes | naughty | shannon |
00000 | allison | cooper | hockey | ncc1701 | sharon |
000000 | alpha | copper | homer | ncc1701d | shelby |
00000000 | alyssa | corvette | honda | nelson | shit |
007007 | amanda | cougar | hooters | nemesis | shithead |
01011980 | america | courtney | horney | newport | shorty |
01012011 | american | cowboy | horny | newyork | sierra |
010203 | anderson | cowboys | horses | nicholas | silver |
098765 | andre | crazy | hotdog | nicole | simon |
0987654321 | andrea | creative | hotrod | nigger | simple |
101010 | andrew | cricket | house | nikita | simpson |
102030 | andrey | crystal | houston | nintendo | simpsons |
1111 | angel | cumshot | howard | nirvana | skipper |
11111 | angela | cunt | hummer | nissan | skippy |
111111 | angels | daddy | hunter | norman | skyline |
1111111 | animal | dakota | iceman | nothing | slayer |
11111111 | anthony | dallas | iloveyou | november | slipknot |
1111111111 | antonio | dancer | indian | october | slut |
111222 | apollo | danger | infinity | oksana | smith |
112233 | apple | daniel | internet | oliver | smokey |
11223344 | apples | danielle | ireland | olivia | smooth |
1212 | arizona | darkness | ironman | online | snickers |
121212 | arnold | darkside | iwantu | orange | sniper |
12121212 | arsenal | dave | jack | ou812 | snoopy |
12312 | arthur | david | jackass | packers | snowball |
123123 | asd123 | death | jackie | pakistan | soccer |
123123123 | asdasd | debbie | jackson | pamela | softball |
123123a | asdf | december | jaguar | pantera | sophie |
1232323q | asdf1234 | denise | jake | panther | spanky |
123321 | asdfasdf | dennis | james | panthers | sparky |
1234 | asdfg | denver | jasmine | panties | speedy |
12341234 | asdfgh | destiny | jason | paradise | spencer |
12344321 | asdfghjk | dexter | jasper | parker | spider |
12345 | asdfghjkl | diablo | jeffrey | pass | spiderma |
1234554321 | ashley | diamond | jennifer | passion | spiderman |
123456 | asshole | dick | jeremy | passport | spirit |
1234567 | assman | dickhead | jessica | passw0rd | spitfire |
12345678 | august | diesel | jessie | password | spooky |
123456789 | austin | digger | jester | password1 | spring |
1234567890 | avalon | digital | jesus | patches | stalker |
123456789a | avatar | disney | jimmy | patricia | stanley |
123456789q | awesome | doctor | john | patrick | star |
123456a | azerty | doggie | johnny | patriots | stargate |
123456q | baby | dolphin | johnson | paul | startrek |
12345a | babygirl | dolphins | jonathan | peaches | starwars |
12345q | badass | domino | jordan | peanut | steelers |
12345qwert | badboy | donald | jordan23 | pearljam | stella |
1234qwer | badger | donkey | joseph | peekaboo | stephen |
123654 | bailey | douglas | joshua | penguin | steve |
123654789 | bambam | dragon | junior | penis | steven |
123789 | banana | dreamer | jupiter | people | stinky |
123abc | bandit | dreams | justice | pepper | stupid |
123qwe | barbara | driver | justin | peter | sublime |
12qwaszx | barney | drowssap | juventus | phantom | success |
1313 | baseball | drummer | karina | phoenix | sucker |
131313 | bastard | ducati | kawasaki | phpbb | suckit |
134679 | batman | duncan | kelly | picard | suckme |
141414 | baxter | eagle | kermit | pimpin | summer |
147147 | bear | eagle1 | kevin | pirate | sunshine |
147258 | beatles | eagles | killer | platinum | super |
147258369 | beaver | eclipse | kimberly | playboy | superman |
147852 | beavis | edward | king | player | surfer |
147852369 | beer | einstein | kirill | please | suzuki |
151515 | benjamin | electric | kitten | pokemon | svetlana |
159357 | bigboy | elephant | kitty | police | sweet |
159753 | bigcock | elizabet | klaster | polina | swordfis |
159951 | bigdaddy | elvis | knight | poohbear | sydney |
1966 | bigdick | eminem | kristina | pookie | system |
1969 | bigdog | empire | lacrosse | poop | taylor |
1974 | bigred | england | lakers | poopoo | tennis |
1975 | bigtits | enigma | lalala | popcorn | teresa |
1977 | bill | enter | lasvegas | porn | test |
1978 | billy | eric | lauren | porno | test123 |
1979 | birdie | eugene | legend | porsche | tester |
1980 | bishop | everton | leslie | power | testing |
1981 | bitch | explorer | letmein | predator | theman |
1982 | bitches | extreme | liberty | prince | therock |
1984 | biteme | falcon | lifehack | princess | thomas |
1985 | black | family | little | private | thumper |
1986 | blazer | fantasy | liverpoo | psycho | thunder |
1987 | blink182 | fender | liverpool | pumpkin | thx1138 |
1988 | blowjob | ferrari | lizard | purple | tiffany |
1989 | blowme | fire | logitech | pussy | tiger |
1990 | blue | fireman | lol123 | q1w2e3 | tigers |
1991 | bobby | fish | london | q1w2e3r4 | tigger |
1992 | bollocks | fishing | louise | q1w2e3r4t5 | timothy |
1993 | bond007 | fktrcfylh | love | qazwsx | tinker |
1994 | bonnie | florida | lovelove | qazwsxedc | titanic |
1q2w3e | boobies | flower | lovely | qazxsw | tits |
1q2w3e4r | booboo | fluffy | loveme | qqq111 | tomcat |
1q2w3e4r5t | boobs | flyers | lover | qqqqqq | tommy |
1qaz2wsx | booger | football | loverboy | qwaszx | topgun |
1qazxsw2 | boogie | ford | lovers | qwe123 | toyota |
2000 | boomer | forest | loveyou | qweasd | travis |
202020 | boston | forever | lucky | qweasdzxc | trinity |
2112 | bradley | francis | lucky1 | qweqwe | trouble |
212121 | brandon | frank | maddog | qwer1234 | trustno1 |
2222 | brandy | frankie | madison | qwert | tucker |
222222 | braves | franklin | madmax | qwerty | turkey |
232323 | brazil | fred | madonna | qwerty1 | turtle |
242424 | brenda | freddy | maggie | qwerty12 | tweety |
252525 | brian | free | magic | qwerty123 | united |
315475 | brittany | freedom | magnum | qwertyu | Usuckballz1 |
3333 | bronco | freepass | manutd | qwertyui | valentin |
333333 | broncos | freeuser | marcus | qwertyuiop | vampire |
420420 | brooke | friday | marina | rabbit | vanessa |
4321 | brooklyn | friend | marine | rachel | vegeta |
4444 | brutus | friends | marines | racing | veronica |
444444 | bubba | froggy | mark | raider | vfhbyf |
456789 | bubbles | fuck | marlboro | raiders | vfrcbv |
4815162342 | buddha | fucker | marley | rainbow | victor |
5150 | buddy | fucking | marshall | ranger | victoria |
54321 | budlight | fuckme | martin | rangers | victory |
5555 | buffalo | fuckoff | marvin | raptor | viking |
55555 | bulldog | fuckyou | maryjane | rascal | vikings |
555555 | bulldogs | fylhtq | master | rasdzv3 | vincent |
55555555 | bullet | gabriel | matrix | razz | viper |
654321 | bullshit | galina | matt | rebecca | virginia |
6666 | burton | galore | matthew | red123 | vision |
666666 | buster | gandalf | maverick | reddog | vladimir |
6969 | butter | garfield | maximus | redrum | voodoo |
696969 | butthead | gateway | maxwell | redskins | voyager |
69696969 | calvin | gators | melanie | redsox | walker |
741852963 | camaro | gemini | melissa | redwings | walter |
7654321 | cameron | general | member | reggie | wanker |
7777 | canada | genesis | mercedes | richard | warcraft |
777777 | captain | genius | mercury | robert | warrior |
7777777 | cardinal | george | merlin | rock | water |
77777777 | carlos | georgia | metallic | rocket | welcome |
789456 | carmen | gfhjkm | metallica | rocky | westside |
789456123 | carolina | ghbdtn | mexico | roland | whatever |
852456 | caroline | giants | michael | rolltide | wildcat |
8675309 | carter | gibson | michael1 | rooster | wildcats |
87654321 | cartman | ginger | michelle | rosebud | william |
8888 | casper | girls | michigan | runner | williams |
888888 | cassie | goblue | mickey | rush2112 | willie |
88888888 | celtic | godzilla | midnight | ruslan | willow |
9379992 | champion | golden | mike | russell | wilson |
987654 | chance | golf | miller | russia | windows |
98765432 | changeme | golfer | mine | sabrina | winner |
987654321 | charles | goober | minecraft | saints | winston |
9999 | charlie | mitchell | samantha | winter | |
999999 | cheese | gordon | mmmmmm | sammy | wizard |
a12345 | chelsea | green | mnbvcxz | samson | wolf |
a123456 | cherokee | gregory | molly | samsung | wolfpack |
a1b2c3 | cherry | guinness | monday | samuel | wolverin |
aaaa | chester | guitar | money | sandman | wombat |
aaaaaa | chevelle | gunner | money1 | sandra | xavier |
aaaaaaaa | chevy | hahaha | monica | sarah | xxxx |
abc123 | chicago | hammer | monkey | saturn | xxxxxx |
abcd1234 | chicken | hannah | monster | scarface | xxxxxxxx |
abcdef | chopper | happy | montana | school | yamaha |
abcdefg | chris | happy1 | mookie | scooby | yankee |
access | christ | hard | morgan | scooter | yankees |
accord | christin | hardcore | mother | scorpio | yellow |
action | claire | harley | motorola | scorpion | yfnfif |
adidas | classic | hawaii | mountain | scotland | zachary |
adrian | claudia | heather | mozart | scott | zaq12wsx |
airborne | cocacola | heaven | muffin | scotty | zombie |
alaska | cock | hello | murphy | secret | zxc123 |
albert | coffee | hello1 | music | security | zxcvbn |
alex | college | hello123 | mustang | semperfi | zxcvbnm |
alexande | colorado | helpme | naruto | serega | zzzzzz |
alexander | compaq | hendrix | nascar | sergey | |
alexandr | computer | hentai | natalie | sexsex | |
alexis | connor | hiphop | natasha | sexy | |
alicia | cookie | hitman | nathan | shadow |