If it wasn't obvious already..

in virus •  3 years ago 


There's a lot about the way people have talked about all this stuff that simply goes in the face of logic and everything you should have known if you paid attending in biology class in HS and college. For example you might ask yourself why bacteria or viruses mutate.

What pressure do they face that most strongly spurs variant creation?

If we were talking about antibacterial soap a couple years ago, you'd have replied, "Well, over use of antibacterial products has left only the most resistant strains of bacteria alive so the soaps are less and less effective and now we have 'super bugs' - highly resistant bacteria that makes people more sick than the 99.9% of germs those soaps were supposed to kill."

And you'd basically have been right.

Flash forward to today, and we're told that all the variants are the fault of unvaccinated people even though there's actually less pressure for a virus to mutate when people don't have enhanced defenses against it, and much more pressure to mutate when faced with people who have pre-existing immunity to the original strain. Those who are immune (not just those who have been vaccinated, of course) are probably more likely to be that ones driving variants.

And now we learn the shocking revelation that vaccinated people are getting and spreading Delta just as much as unvaccinated people are. Possibly more, since natural immunity seems to be more robust.

In any case, everyone should have known this already if they thought about it for a minute, assuming they aren't anti-evolution zealots.

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