Decentralisation seems to be hitting roadblocks put in place by the very markets it was meant to disrupt, the rebirth of the VISA gatekeepers.

in visa •  7 years ago 

Morning morning folks! :) how’s life treating you today? Just seen my daughter out with all of her stuff in the car (I get her over the weekend for a day often) and so now we are into part two of the day as I see it. I don’t normally try and force a post out in the morning if she wants to use the computer or if I know I have other tasks to do.

today it was rent day and fill the water up run, I did managed to sneak in a trip to the shop so I don’t have to go anywhere today and @dayleeo the champ did the pots (what a star!) so I’ve literally got nothing to admin or chore mode into, that’s pretty damn great so I’m firing up the kettle and making some matcha green tea blend that dayle got yesterday via that magic delivery system in the cloud el amazon.

did you know you can run ‘curl’ in your terminal to get a list of public steem full nodes and if they are up or not, pretty useful for at a glance especially if you move around a lot because you can find the best geo located server to where you are (change to that in esteem, and to mention a few

We took a trip into town yesterday for coffee and to take a wander up to the school to pick her up and made sure we had a half of Guinness along the route for some extra vitamins! :) sure you’ll find some pretty photos from dayle she took yesterday, she’s really finding her feet with that new iPhone 7 camera, she’s been getting her eye in recently — I expect we will start adding a ton of photos to in the coming months again, maybe after we switch out the platform we are using.

Attack on crypto europe ATM withdrawals?

Note I put europe as it appears that bitpay US is NOT effected by this, kinda interested that they went after this Gibraltar based company wavecrest knowing how many of the platforms that would effect, basically cutting off and upsetting customers of those platforms by having their access to their funds removed from taking out fiat — what’s the story behind it? Anybody know? Did this wavecrest really flaunt the rules or is this a very calculated and state sponsored targetted roadblock and if so why?

That being said you can still use the wonderful SatoshiPoint - Crypto ATMs if you are here in the uk, lots and lots of spaces have these now, be smart thou and maybe have them on a ‘one time’ device — hardware or in an independent wallet away from other funds, that’s just being smart about the transaction and always case out the place, go with a friend, secure the money before you leave the place and just be smart, maybe have a cab or uber waiting for you outside to jump into if your taking big amounts! :)

It certainly stopped me in my tracks regarding the new show @cryptocards but it’s also good because I’ll be able to discuss the highs and lows of these services moving forward — we are going to need a lot more ways to swap, deal and exchange these digital funds that don’t require us to convert them into local currency, I’ll be looking into those as well - crypto value to crypto value rather than getting caught up with all the charges you would normally have with the middlemen financial roadblocks

50/50 split is falling massively - SBD through the roof!

Even thou SBD has dropped from highs of $15 down to around $8 it’s still a brilliant pay out for active bloggers looking to make a little income from the platform, it’s certainly been helping both me and dayle out as we transition into the new year — we made rent today because of additional client work but it’s great to have residual income come in and go towards other things that help us really ramp up the quality of our work and creative project — I’m personally excited to really get back to vlogging and cinemagraphs again.

The price of steem on the internal market in recent days has started to go up and the 50/50 split of steem appears to be getting small in the pots, guessing a lot of people are powering up their accounts and are sitting on nice looking account values, the more steem power you have is really going to make an impact in the coming months when SMT take off but also the limelight switches over to steemit as people see that a social blockchain that is the fastest transaction pretty much everyday has been already up and running for twenty months — no waiting on money you invested in an ICO, invest it here in steemit instead and just be an active blogger for the next year, I’m already seeing the benefits of having a bit of savings in crypto — I’ll be checking those investments this time next year.

the scores on the crypto doors

Happy to see STEEM still high at $6.40 that’s pretty amazing and I’m expecting we might see another pump on the STEEM SBD in the coming weeks, all my other cryptos are up too with ETHEREUM doing really nicely this week and DASH finding it’s feet again — great to see bitcoin trying to get back up to $17k, will know when to pull the trigger on that again in a few months time, also reconsidering my position on a few cryptos I started with at the start of the year — not sure what to transition them both into yet but whichever ones I do I’m certainly going to put the funds to one side and forget about it for a year.

deleted games, getting into creative strides

I made a big decision a few days back, I deleted a game that I had been playing on and off quite a lot over the last six months, it had started to take up hours and hours each day, the best way for me to remove that addiction was to straight delete the damn thing, that’s opened up some more free time to get back to learning and exploring — next on the list is to get a new vlogging camera to get back to editing and filming again and I’ll be certainly learning premium pro with that new content, a big project for the end of the month to look back on! :)

TRUST AND AUTHENTICATION. . epic wins pinboard → i was a brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won a vloggie for involvement in node666 (san francisco 2006) → on television for time team history hunters 1999 (burton on trent) → sold to evan williams (twitter) in april 2011 for 5 figures → went to phil campbell, alabama to help repair/recovery/help raise money month after a tornado ripped through the town (was on sky news, bbc news, al jazeeza, nightly news, alabama weather channel?!) → CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin south by southwest event → video chat with robert scoble from rackspace → i was in a music video can you spot me? → won the digital derry contest for 5k euros to kickstart web tv studio → did project work with sleepydog indirectly for nesta (responder) → crowdfunded digital signage concept called the pi street (do it for steem?)

together we win

@teamhumble - general blogposts
@teamaudio - decentralized audio on dtube
@teamvideo - decentralized video & tutorials
@cryptocards - reviewing atm and virtual credit cards
@nomadpictures - pics and snaps from the road
@bansko - co-working basecamp
@cinemagraph - free and paid cinemagraphs
@eresidency - information for estonian e-residency
@everydaycarry - steemians every day carry
@vlogging - day to day vlogging videos
@texttosteem - text to audio services

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I haven't had a crypto card yet and was looking into wirex and another one that I can't remember the name of right now, but I guess I'll have to wait until its all sorted out. The hubster has started showing an interest in crypto too so this year will be interesting! we dont have huge amounts invested yet so withdrawing cash is not an immediate concern but obvs I want to get this sorted for if and when it does start to pay. I noticed you have a crypto card account niw too, I'll be keeping an eye out for updates! :D

Yes good for u mouser proud of you love - looking forward to crushing this month with ya 💕

Which game did you delete humble?! I had to delete Destiny two a few months ago because it literally took over my life! I actually stopped blogging for 2 months which is killing me now that Steem is so high smh!

I definitely agree that now is the time to get your SP up because when SMT drops, we are most likely going to $20 and beyond!

Idk though, I feel comfortable with my currrnt sp and have been using my SBD to invest in other cryptos that have recently exploded! My goal was to always put that money back into Steem, but if the price keeps going up it might not be the best move haha

Great post!

yeah agreed with all your points. my imac is like 4/5 years old (wish i had a gaming pc, but it would swallow up more of my time lol!) so i can only play some games, i had paladins and this tank game thing on, got rid of that, i wanna do more steem stuff for the next three months as i upgrade everything - tranportation, computer, camera so i can get back into audience development and continue my course making with better quality -- it's smart to invest in other cryptos too for sure, especially because SBD is high. thanks for checking in! :)

Oh wow, I’m excited to see what your able to come up with in the coming months! And ohh I heard of palindins, but never got into it haha

And anytime bro! :)

An interesting post. I have followed you and look forward to reading more of your posts!

I support you until the end very nice post thanks for sharing @teamhumble

thank you! :)

matcha is awesome!! :) so do you recommend the 50/50 right now? haha or is better do full power up from the blogs

if you don't need to the money, power up while steem on the internal market is under $1 -- for sure.

and to do that is it better to switch SBD to steem then right on internal? or change the default settings for the post rewards itself? haha I get confused about it sometimes, but I guess it differs depending on how the market is? hehe thanks for the info @teamhumble

I continue to read the text. @teamhumble
The section until now is fluent and beautiful
I prepare a green tea and keep reading

enjoy the green tea!

Wow, you have a lot of accounts these days. Must be fun managing all those.

That node list is cool. gtg one shows as nearest me.

I wonder if the Wavecrest thing is really against crypto or if they just messed up. I saw something about possible issues with them giving out cards without verifying the holders. Obviously potential for laundering.

I need to look at alternatives to extract funds. Bitcoin doesn't seem like the best option with the high fees. We need people dealing directly with Steem really.

yeah, not started on them yet. but just preparing for the year. i use VESSEL for management -- as for the cards not saw, pretty poor show on support regardless. if that was the case don't issue them! :)

yep, we certainly need alternatives! :) i'll keep looking and reporting back! :)

I looked at SatoshiPoint. All in London from what I see, but they do take other coins. I'd be interested in a run-down of the fees for each. Blocktrades talks about $13 for Bitcoin!

nope, manchester and bristol. it's worth a day trip out if you need to get out a few grand! ;) -- tbh if i've made a decent amount on trading i can suck up the fee. people have to get paid for making these things after all.

Even mark zuckerberg supports decentralization

he has no choice. silicon valley hates not being able to play along in the eyeball economy! :)

Saya suka artikel anda dan saya sudah folow anda jika anda ada waktu sila datang bog saya makasih