as muslim we must be come to anothers houses

in visit •  7 years ago 


Suppose you can't, it doesn't matter, this action is not something that is accepted. Enough for you to meet people when in the field where you pray 'Id, wa lillahil hamd. Or meet them in mosques when praying five times, this is enough, wa lllahil hamd. Not required to visit their home.

لكن أصبح من العادات وهنا العادات ليست منافية للشرع ولم يزعموا أنها عبادة وذلك لأنه يوم فرح وسرور فلا بأس بذلك كله والله أعلم وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على عبده ورسوله نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه وأتباعه بإحسان

This act has become a tradition, but this is a tradition that is not denied by the Shari'ah and those who do it do not consider this as worship. This act is limited because the day 'Id is a happy day and having fun. Then such actions are all not why, wallahu'alam.
Wa sallallaahu wa sallama wa baarik 'ala' abdihi wa rasulihi nabiyyina Muhammadin wa 'ala aalihi wa ash-habihi wa atba'ihi bi ihsaanin.

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