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Pink on girls make me crazy. :)

Hi Roger, thank you for uploading your content.
For uploading your content to Vit.Global please Include within your description some attribution to where your content has come from, such as does. After all its from the same place, right?
You do not have to go into such detail if you don't want to but please include at least what set it is from or from whence it is from and assure curators that it has the correct 2257 licenses.
Just a quick 20 word sentence will do if that's not too much to ask please.
Something like
"Content brought to you Via afsc picture licensing. 2257 information available on request" Can insert the Set Id also if you like (optional)
However if it is from a vit platform, a link back to the source on touchtube or is a requirement. E.G
Although this does not appear to match the pics on Vit site, hmmm ok.

Regardless this has to be a recent upload posted on TT or social.(within the last 3 or so days)
This then enables any new person viewing your content the ability to then vote on it on a Vit platform.
One of the reasons creating the tribe is for the above reason... Vitizens post content so steemians will make a vit account, we all have a part in trying to encourage that with their content and the way it is set out.
Thank you for your cooperation.