When a talented boy, whose victory Ukraine should be proud of, is “attacked” by evil banderlogs.
Cause? "Russian and Russian languages" - songs uniting all countries fighting against fascist impurity in the Great Patriotic War, also in the form of a front-line soldier - "Kremlin propaganda" show. " I try not to touch on the topic of politics at all, especially in social networks, but I cannot but comment on this incident. Really sorry for the kid. While the incumbent SEPresident continues the work of his predecessor to cancel May 9, offering the day of Reconciliation
in return, in fact everything remains unchanged: the hatred of the western regions towards all Russian-speaking Ukrainians, and any action without the slogan “glory to the heroes” automatically falls into category "Kremlin propaganda."
I want to wish Maxim Tkachuk many more victories in the competitions. You're a great fellow and adequate Ukrainians, believe me, you are proud. Paying attention to galloping pseudo-patriots is not worth a drop of your attention. I join the support flash mob # MaximTkachuk and rejoice that my Ukraine, thanks to such talented guys as Maxim, still has hope for a better future.