The untold story of Vitamin C from Hidden Therapies by Jerzy Zięba.

in vitaminc •  7 years ago 

Yes... Here I am with the interesting pieces of information about Vitamin C, so once again fasten your belts.

Credit for the unknown author.

I strongly believe that lack of understanding, as well as lack of knowledge, leads people to the situations which easily can be described as dangerous at least. I am one of those people who like to learn new things however if the novelties are so far away from my established everyday routine I can find this quite overwhelming and indeed applying this information’s into practice indeed can be at least challengeable. The most reassuring is this that this how we are meant to be. Human brain is designed for survival purposes and routine somehow seems to serve the purpose; the problems start arising when the need for change is clear and you need to create a new life habit.
I am going to share with you the summary of the must to know cutting edge information about Vitamin C from Jerzy Zięba (2015).

So here we are...

  • Vitamin C is a nutrient.

  • The useful form of Vitamin C is the L-Ascorbic Acid.

  • In case of illness (even cold) it is recommended to increase the daily intake of vitamin C (until slight diarrhoea is felt, and the amount should be reduced to avoid serious diarrhoea, however, do not stop taking it.

  • The interesting thing about vitamin C is that when ill, the body can tolerate even very high doses of vitamin C. When we are sick, it is easy to consume up to 30 or 50 grams of vitamin C in 24 hours. When a body has dealt with the disease even a small amount of vitamin C can cause diarrhoea.

  • Once you feel better, continue to take vitamin C for two to three days however in smaller quantities.

  • Vitamin C removes heavy metals from the body.

  • Vitamin C does not result in kidney stones; however, it is removed from the body through the kidneys. If you have kidney problems consult your doctor before taking vitamin C.

  • Smaller amounts used more often are better absorbed.

  • The use of vitamin C with chemotherapy has positive effects and does not compromise the effectiveness of chemotherapy; it does help to minimise its side effects.

  • When Vitamin C is administered intravenously (as sodium ascorbate not as sodium acid!) in large doses, it exerts a cytotoxic (cell-killing) effect on cancer and also exhibits antiangiogenic activity.

  • The use of Vitamin C with chemotherapy has positive effects and does not compromise the effectiveness of chemotherapy; it does help to minimise its side effects.

  • Vitamin C is crucial in the production of collagen. This knowledge is very important especially in the treatment of osteoporosis and other diseases that affect connective tissue.

  • The best form of vitamin C is the one found in fruits. Clearly, any synthetic substances are not natural. Thinking of vitamin C simply as 'ascorbic acid' is a simplification.

  • Vitamin C absorption is much improved with bioflavonoids as they are found in fresh fruits. It would be better to take ready-made preparation containing ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate together with bioflavonoids. The best way will be to use freshly squeezed juice that contains all the bioflavonoids and enzymes and simply add a half teaspoon of ascorbic acid.

All the best
From Margo and Family :)

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Witaj, od kilku lat "leczę" się witaminą C. W momencie, gdy tylko poczuję, że zbliża się przeziębienie przyjmuję dawkę 3000 - 5000 mg i zawsze pomaga! Obecnie karmię piersią i gdy moja córeczka ma katar, także biorę witaminę C, by przekazać jej w mleku, działa! :)

To samo robie teraz jak chorobsko atakuje, ale pamiętam jak karmiłam piersią to to samo dodawałam i dzieci dostawały wszystko w mleku :)