Decentralized Video Platform... YouTube killers?!?

in viuly •  7 years ago 

So far I've seen two decentralized video platforms appear on the scene. Ironically named very similar... and viuly. I'm not here to criticize the name or say someone copied someone. Though instead I want to look at this trend of trying to disturb the norm and if you think these pioneers will be the ones to do it.

The concept is pretty simple, put more money back into the people who make the video content. Very similar to the steem model seems to be the angle. You can upload a video and choose if it's free or if someone has to pay in VIU tokens for it to be viewed. You can also make money by viewing videos and the ads if the creator decides to let them be placed on their videos. The ads money is also distributed to the content creator as well.

I only spoke about viuly because even though both platform have been out around the same time, viuly seems to have made the most progress with showing consistent improvements on their alpha.

Both have alphas available to use but viuly is the only one to announce their alpha to the public, I just sort of stumbled upon on my own. To check them out for yourself here are the links to both:

viuly - (my referral link) - -

I don't like making long post because I rather converse about the topic in the comment section. What are your thoughts on these platforms? And do you really think they can attract enough users to make posting content on either effective? Or are these different projects starting to become water down steemit? Also am I missing another video platform that's out or in its ICO stage?

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