RE: On VIVA and TradeQwik - A Heart to Heart from Dawn - August 5, 2018

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On VIVA and TradeQwik - A Heart to Heart from Dawn - August 5, 2018

in viva •  7 years ago 

For transparency purposes I would like to see published the data of every VHL employee and partner accounts, including yours. You are free to publish my acc data as well if you think it would make any point.

You're from Europe right? You have stronger legal privacy protections than here in the USA.

Since you've agreed to release yours, I'll ask the auditors to publish it with a walk through so folks can see what's involved.

Weak though they may be, there are still laws in the USA governing confidentiality of employee records. Partners are considered employees for all intents and purposes.

If you can convince any of them to agree to sign a release for it, then that can be done, otherwise it would be subject to employer privacy protections and your desire to know who did what and when, doesn't factor into our legal obligation to protect privacy, sorry.

I'll agree to release mine when it's done.

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Weak though they may be, there are still laws in the USA governing confidentiality of employee records.

That's a poor excuse for anyone having Steemit experience. The whole point of a project which wants to call itself a "blockchain project" is to make these things transparent.
Like of course Steemit inc CEO Ned Scott for example might be too shy to admit he is behind the account @ned, but the information on would remain visible for everyone in any case.

I'm not asking for names and adresses, what I want to see is just the whole list of accounts, that used to get their daily 24 viva and their records

your desire to know who did what and when, doesn't factor into our legal obligation to protect privacy

That's why I've mentioned bankruptcy in the first instance. As a creditor I might get pennies for $, but at least I would know then where the rest of the money went.
Your desire to keep information "who did what and when" private only indicates there is something to hide.
