VLOG #1: The Tough Truth About Entrepreneurship & My Journey

in vlog •  8 years ago  (edited)

I hope everyone is having a blessed day :) I had to be very transparent & make a vid Exclusively For Steemit to go over the ride and journey of how it has been to be an Entrepreneur. I wanted to let you in a little closer inside my circle and tell you aspects of entrepreneurship that most people do not reveal. 

I hope you enjoy this one.


Show some love for your girl! <3

Hannah (Remember Who You Are)


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Solid Video. Thank you

@robert-call Thank you so much for your support. You made my day! I wish I would get notifications when people resteem my content. I gotta figure it out lol

"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."- Henry Ford


Love this comment! So true and THANK YOU! :D

I founded my company Thinkkniht a year ago. It was so hard up until now. We did amazing work but so far we weren't able to live from it at all. Steemit has helped me to fill the gaps. You are totally right, it made me more powerful and aware about myself and the world. I was always opposed to money but now I am learning to get better with it.

Exactly and a lot of people never know about the hard time's Entrepreneurs face.Glad you shared this comment! So you're saying if it wasn't for Steemit you would still be having difficulty? @flauwy

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yep! Steemit is not really helping yet, it is more a long term investment that I take way too seriously at the moment. ;)

Thanks for opening up Hannah !!! Transparency is needed in this day and age

@jjottey15 Yes I realized that I must be way more transparent from now on and let people know the struggle and the good times. If I just show the good times, then what is the point in that? I really appreciate you!

You hit on a lot of good points!
I feel being an entrepreneur will definitely test you on even more fronts than being an employee.
But one thing people have to be aware of is that those tests (or any) are necessary to :

  • see if you are committed to achieving your goals
  • prepare you for when the stakes are higher

Thank you bro! :D I completely agree with you! Btw I miss your posts :) @opinizeunltd

dont worry i got 2 in the chamber for tomorrow lol

Great vlog @awarenessraiser

Thank you :D

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. Starting a business, learning how to make money, learning how to live your life with self-discipline, pushing through obstacles, and learning to believe in yourself - these things, and many more, are a all a part of it.

Personally, I want to build wooden canoes - hand-built, functional, beautiful, and useful works of art and vehichles for fun and relaxation. This is my dream. It's difficult. It's mine. I hope I get to where I want to be with it, someday. I'm not there yet, but I'm closer than I used to be.

I wish you luck and endurance in your endeavors. Find out what your passion truly is, and pursue it as best you can.

Every time somebody tells you that you can not do it - just remember: you are the only one who CAN do it, for you.

Upvoted and resteemed.

So much wisdom in this comment! Thank you for blessing me with what you said and your support! :)

I think your vision sounds freekin awesome! Have you started at all yet on building it? What do you do now?

I am headed over to your blog now :)

New fave! Thanks for keeping it real :)

Thank you soooo much for your love and support Goddess!!! You are awesome and I have followed you as well <3 <3 <3 <3 :) @itsmee.bosslady

Real recognize Real baby! :)

Nailed it! I've been an entrepreneur basically all my life. I've hustled in so many ways some good, some less. Some hit some failed. Leaning each time. You are right persistence really is the key.

You are such a boss! I am grateful for your friendship :)

You're the boss girl, I'm just watchin the flower unfold!

Hey @awarenessraiser , I have started a podcast recently where I interview other entrepreneurs.

The podcast is on my youtube channel, and here is the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5CpCNPna6p95oJfKPew0N3ZT0k-khdgg

We talk about what you are currently doing in life, your business as well as your journey and any lessons or advice you want the world to know.
A casual conversation about entrepreneurship, and, about you.

Would you be interested in appearing on the show?

That is awesome!! I have some projects I am currently working on at the moment but let's schedule something within a few months! :) Let's stay connected on here!

If you want, you can arrange the interview here: https://calendly.com/adriannantchev/entrepreneur-podcast