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I've been watching the videos from the FEIC 2017 recently. I think I'm about 4 hours in. Good stuff. I hope you have a blast there and get some good footage.

Thanks man, I hope so too! :)

People all over the globe will be attending the flat earth conference :-D

You are not actually believing in this,do you?

No I don't take a stance, I'm neutral. Documenting the phenomenon and playing with the idea. Why?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

No it's ok.A neutral view is always good c:
But why is this "taking a stance"? I mean it's science...
What i want to say is that,the moment you take a "stance",you stop being open minded because in science everything is a theory,that can be proofed wrong at any time...

jou Einar, olen jälginud su tegemisi ja näen sinu potentsiaali. Ehk soovid kontrollida enda mõtteid ja emotsioone, mis põhjustavad meile märkamatult kannatusi?
Ingvar Villido õpetused tõid mind ja tuhandeid teisi mustast august välja .. jagan lingi, et saaksid maitse suhu ---
Tal on käinud seal saates kahel korral, tasub mõlemaid kuulata. Usu, sa oled andekas, lihtsalt flat erth bullikaka ei ole sinu aega väärt

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment