Lessons In History, Patten's Story

in vlog •  6 years ago 

Hong Kong, HKSAR, Chris Patten, Democracy, democratic, reform, china, chinese identity, chinese culture, hong kong culture, mainland, city, identity, Hongkong, democracy, Chris, Patten, free, Basic law, handover, politics, 香港, 政治, 歷史, 民主, 97, 1997, article 23 sexy spy, sin city, communist, corruption, 中共, 腐敗, regime, xi jingpin, jiang zemin, 共產黨, 毛澤東, 鄧小平, 改革, 強國, 中港, 江澤民, 胡錦濤, 习近平, Red China, Archive, 新中國, taiwan, taiwanese, formosa, 國民黨, 民進黨, 海峽, hong kong, super china, 八路軍, 新四軍, 國軍, Red detachment of women, Red Army, 蔣介石, 蘇維埃, battle, fire power, machine gun, land revolution, 紅色娘子軍, 剿共, 保衛, 延安, xin jiang, 長征, 土地革命, 紅軍, long march, 人民的名义, 达康, 陆毅, 反贪局, 检察, 吴京, 战狼, 港独, 栗戰書, 汪洋, 王滬寧, 趙樂際, 韓正, 常委, 李敖

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