in vlog •  8 years ago 

My life is going through some turmoil right now, and has been for some months. I am trying to be okay but it is hard. I know there are more people out there feeling this way today man, and i just want to give yall the good energy too. And hope that my supporters send some good energy my way. As always peace, and bliss!

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You know I'll hodl you down brother! Keep that head up G, the future is bright.

I hear you. Life is crazy & doesn't make sense sometimes. Peaks & Valleys . We're all going through something. I find giving in to it helps, not fighting it. There's so much pressure out there! Fuck the pressure, life is short, nobody knows what they're doing lol. I know how it feels when you can't shut your thoughts off. You'll find a way, I have many theories about how to feel better but I won't go on because you know yourself better than anyone!

What happened man? Leave the computer and go out for a walk. Sunrays and air will uplift your mood and you will be able to think clear. Trust me on this ;)

Life is full of conundrums Ron, and the more you stumble upon them, i think you will create your own reality and metaphorically start bending spoons. Nobody cares about you like the way you do, remember that.
Now this is just my advice and i know ill be getting some flak from the 420 crowd but cut that pot out bro. THC intensifies everything and is considered a mild hallucinogen. Try giving it up for a month and see if you find more clarity. I smoked for 13 years and quit 5 years ago. If i regretted quitting, id be back smoking now.
Thats just my 2 cents bro. FTW, create your own reality.

Thank you for your advise about life and doing the right thing. I pray and hope that u get over your rough patch. That's the nature of life,sometimes we go through these rough patches but am sure u will be just fine :)

I am impressed with you .. thanks information. Hopefully we can be good friends

We are here to support you bro @rondonson !

thank @gabyen3d its much appreciated

Dont loose hope man, i am disable for the last 7 years and cannot walk, but i am still fighting @rondonson

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Peace brother thanks for sharing your experience, and the wisdom you've gleaned from it. I admire you for being open about what you're going through. Sending some energy your way..!

It hurts me to see you going through so much shit, brother. Just know that you will always have us. Life tends to get you down to challenge you, but you have to push through and show it you know what's up. Whatever it is that's causing you so much pain will end. You're going to come out stronger than ever bro. Just keep on pushing through and don't let things get the best of you. Always here to talk.

Damn, all the best man. The fact that you're expressing it this way signifies your stength; to be brave enough to vent, share and talk. Stay safe and healthy bro!

This post has received a 1.18 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @banjo.

Be the change you want to see in the world

Keep strong, keep creating and keep sharing, it'll pay off eventually!

Yeah, i agree with that. More importantly, create your own reality. I really stopped giving a fuck about the ways of the world for about 5 years now. Ive been manifesting things, some really small and some really big. I know I'm not the only one.

Check your discord when you can

@awarebessraiser i dont have a message from you on discord

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thanks for opening up and sharing that with us bro, It is better to have vented then to have it all pented. You are not alone in the pain and struggle you are experiencing, and I'll be praying for your well being, health and stability/clarity.
You will pull through, just stay realistically positive and take it second by second, moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day, whichever incremental time phase you choose to pace yourself at. We all can move too fast sometimes and before we know it, those around us have either passed us up and abandoned us, or we have move forward and they are either long gone in the opposite direction or dead.
Life is no joke, but don't forget to love, live and laugh as you grow through this journey. Bless your soul bro. I'll be praying for you