Bisexual and sadist. What the CIA told about Hitler

in vnhh •  6 years ago 

yy.PNGThe US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) declassified a report from 1943 on the fascinations of Nazi Germany leader Adolf Hitler.
The report is called "Biographical essays of Hitler and Himmler." It states that Hitler was bisexual and also had sadomasochistic inclinations.

The document was compiled in 1942 based on the stories of a friend of Hitler - Ernst Ganfshtengol, who emigrated to the United States. The report calls him Dr. Sedgwick. On 70 pages of text we are talking about your favorite food, drinks, hobbies and habits of the Fuhrer.

Back in 1923, Sedgwick tried to persuade Hitler to shave off his mustache, which, according to the doctor, "looked ugly." To this, Hitler replied: "Do not worry about my mustache, if now they are not in fashion, they will become fashionable later, because I wear them."


Hitler almost did not eat meat, in rare cases - rice with chicken or smoked salmon. "If I understand once that it hurts me, then I stop eating it. I know that meat, beer and nicotine traumatize and violate my constitution. And I don’t use them anymore. This decision is made once and for all," he said.Auto

Hitler himself did not drive a car, but he loved open-top cars. In parades, despite the weather, he did not use the roof and demanded the same from those around him. He justified this with the phrase: “We are not a bourgeois, we are soldiers”.


The character of Hitler was represented by two role models: the wolf and the fox. Sometimes he used the lamb type. Until 1933, he used the pseudonym “wolf” in telephone conversations.Entertainment

Hitler did not like: Bach, Beethoven, Brahms and Mozart. Loved: Wagner, Grieg, Liszt, some works of Chopin and Strauss. As stated in the report, 85% of his preferences are the repertoire of Vienna’s cafés. In 1923, Hitler was very fond of the hymns on American football, as well as the slogans of the cheerleaders, who encouraged the team before the game.

Hitler rarely attended concerts, but often went to the opera. He preferred to sit exclusively in the box and hated the stalls.

He never danced himself, considering it unworthy of a statesman. He loved the circus, especially the dangerous stunts in which there was a risk to life. Wild animals in the circus he was not very interested, unless they posed a danger to the woman.
Every evening the dictator watched movies in his own theater. Goebbels offered him, among other things, pictures that were forbidden for public viewing in Germany.

The dictator loved films and chronicles about political conclusions, which his sadistic inclinations satisfied. German photographer and close friend Heinrich Hoffmann showed Hitler pornographic films and photos.


Hitler was admired by prostitutes only if there were several of them, or there was another man with them. One woman did not attract the dictator. He also liked being a spectator.He considered it necessary for himself to understand women in order to understand the mass and be a good speaker. Both the woman and the masses, according to Hitler, are waiting for power, action; the masses are waiting for a call for idealism and sacrifice, and only women are capable of real self-sacrifice.

“Marriage is not for me and this will never happen. My only bride is my homeland,” the dictator declared once. He also liked to quote the Russian proverb: "If you go to a woman, do not forget your whip"Sex life

The report says that during his detention at Ladsberg, Hitler became very close to Rudolf Hess. Hess himself was nicknamed “Fraulein Anna” because he loved to change into a woman's dress. Sedgwick remarked that after 1937, Hitler’s character could be called “sadomasochistic with a bias in homosexuality.”

Since 1909, Hitler lived in Vienna. There, he probably contracted a sexually transmitted disease from a Jewish prostitute (the conclusions were drawn from "reading between the lines of Hitler's book" My Struggle ").Sedgwick suggests that Hitler had an affinity with Hess. The latter was known for his disguise to dress up in women's clothes. The dictator is characterized as a "sadomasochistic type of person with a possible bias in homosexuality."

In March 1937, Sedgwick showed a letter with Hitler's handwriting to the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. He stated that "in this letter there is only one big woman."

Hitler's sexual life was as ambivalent as the political one. He is both a nationalist and a socialist, a heterosexual and a homosexual, a man and a woman. Since 1933, he has received aesthetic satisfaction from viewing adolescents.yy.PNG

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