Vona to stand the edge of the way, before rozdorizhzham. Simply - Malі Dіdushichі, behind Podorozhnє, on the right - Great Dіdushichі. And zlіva - zlіva pustyr, over the yaky hung a pipe pipe to the gas pipeline and the city, surrounded by dark cherries. So-axis, there, de pustire, at the Dіdushichі settlement, on the cob of the XVI stolittya, laid by the magnates Dіdushitsky misto Sokolіv.
I will name it otrimalo vіd susіdnogo village Sokolіvtsі chi vіd rіchki Sukіl, that is leaking, invisible at once. Sovereign documents first Sokol_v zgaduєtsya 1520 rock: "Dіdushichі abo Sokolіv." Misto bulo vіd cob to kіntsya vlasnіstyu Dіdushitskikh emblem Sas, Ruska szlachtіv, yakі spolonіzuvalis here on the XVI stolіtttya. The castle was built by the castle, which was held here until the 17th century, writing in books about our town, Mavrytsii Dіdushitsky (another half of the XIX century). Vіn sya bachch lattice murіv і pivnitsі. At the mіstі bulo 17 bridges, and і navіt teper water to wake up on empty lakes near the depressions.![ffff.PNG]In Ukraine, the commune was bulldozed on farms and villages, and they are very significant. Ale schtoch znishchili so misto, splundruvshi at the same time two mіskі tsvintarі Polish and єvrejsky ... Robilize the cemetery, in 1945 rotsі, і vzhe nema live with svіdkіv tsії tragіchno podі.
Qiu історію not rozpovіla menі yakas senior panі, and girl rokіv 12 of the village Velikі Dіdushichі. Just like otfigur Mothers of God stood in the center of Sokolev, here so as to stand in Lviv on Mitskevich Square. Komunіsti vіdvezli її on tsvintar і threw in the bushes, so scored vidbili shmatok hands, yak p_dtrimuvala Dityatko. One cholovik znayshov that hand і taking a dodoma. To yomu it was the dulle of talanity among all, vіn rozbagatіv: і wore thinness, and gave birth to the field. Pislya yogogo death nevіdomo de pіlasya tsya hand. Vіn abo shkhovav її, abo transferring homeland.
And if the Union of Radian was falling in, the road was set on the edge, without a hand. Poles, fronts of sokolіvskikh mіstyan, installed її on the colonies, the column on the pedestal, on the yakoy vibito riddles written "Foundation of the first members." There, on Chotiryoh Kam’nyannyh stopping fits for navsny Dashok. Podorozhnіy, yaky zupinitsya bіlya Madonni, not knowable, zvіdki took the sculpture, at a time such chimelo put usyudi, navit on childish maydanchikah.()
Sokolivska Madonna to stand sideways to zishchenogo miste. Won in the brutal rough ball farbi, disguise rozim і postarіle, zhovte. In Neji, the dark-green was falling away, like in the Mother of God of Czestochowa, and this is the shirt itself in Іsusa, because it is not a simple hand, or rozvodit them. Pokekudi farba peeled off. Tse is not a masterpiece, navіt not tvir myststva. Perfektsioni Dіdushitskі, great patrons, melodiously, not mali zdodnogo hundred to the end of this figuri, tim bіlshe, scho ïh trays bouv okremo. Ale for us vtsіlіla sculpture of Madonnie greatness historic story. Vona bachila, yak z protsv_tayuchyogo Mistechka robili ruїnu. Yak fascists hammered Jews, Army Kraiova - Ukrainians, insurgent UPA - Poles, and Enkavista - vsih. All the trees’an bears of Sokolev’s boules are bedrooms, all of them’s are -sized. Dovkolishnіh villages live on the ground in the victims and otbivtsi. Ale is everything we need from the nobility: in every part of the world, in accordance with the law, in peace, - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. So it is possible not to miss mishto, but to the whole country.
Rukoi Sokoleva shukaite in the Stryyskomu district of Lviv region in the outskirts of the village Velikі Dіdushichi. Read more here: https://zik.ua/news/2018/10/28/taiemnytsya_sokolivskoi_madonny_1435249