My Post about how chainlink can reveal if a birth certificate is phoney gets erased from because Obama supporters in charge of voice and b1 MUST be afraid it will reveal that Obama COULD NOT PASS THEIR OWN KYC SYSTEM
and @dan larimer's 4d chess starts to reveal itself.
heres the actual post they censored, and , for whatever reason, they remove it after a week or so at random, based on who knows
they have a little election inside each post an uipvote and downvote where only those who can send the link to their friends get to vote
4 billion dollar company and @eosio and @dan have been revealed as scammers to all patriots uNLESS @dan makes a statement about this and why voice is censoring me by allowing VOTE SOURCED BRIGADING to be BUILT INTO voice
is this why dan LEFT voice and tweeted he is using his OWN BLOG here?