voilk.com Better than steemit

in voilk •  3 years ago 

Voilk is a social network just like steemit, but with a better affiliates network for promoters


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DO NOT INVEST IN VOILK. It is a scam and all content is scraped from Steemit to make it appear like an active community.

More information in this post: https://steemit.com/hive-185836/@the-gorilla/is-your-content-being-stolen

  ·  last year Reveal Comment

If you have contact with them, I suggest that you get them to stop. Copyright infringement is taken seriously in Pakistan and could lead to a 3 year prison sentence if they fail to do so (and / or a fine of up to 100,000 Rupees).

I've already initiated the 1st step in this process and sadly, it's not the 1st time I've had to do this.

Voilk's reply to me that began with "Fuck off" is the kind of evidence that will help lead to a quick prosecution (I think it's called "wilful negligence") so I'm optimistic that the site will be removed either way.

The only thing I don't know (and will suggest being investigated) is if the new team are also using the site as a means to scam innocent investors with a fake currency but that's not my area of expertise so I'll inform them and let them inform the relevant people.

So like I say, presumably you've still got contact details of the people you sold it to and it'd be worth warning them of the shit storm that's coming their way.

  ·  last year Reveal Comment
  ·  last year Reveal Comment
  ·  last year Reveal Comment

I see that it's the Federal Investigation Agency in Pakistan that it'll also need to be reported to - I'll give you until Monday to get them to take the site down. It's your name that I'll be passing to them as the starting point of their investigation - good luck getting them to listen to you.

  ·  last year Reveal Comment

The "new team's" activity correlates perfectly with your activity on Steemit so there's a very high probability that "they" are.

I've submitted the complaint to Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency referencing your name as the creator of the website. I highlighted the mass copyright infringement, likelihood of fraud and potential for the proceeds of this to be used to fund other crime.

Hopefully you will hear from them soon and you can help them to get the site removed.

I'm also pursuing another route which won't involve you so there's a good chance that their unacceptable behaviour does not go unpunished.

I've seen your other comments so won't spend any time replying to them - suffice to say, their removal of "f*** off" in one of their replies to me is somewhat irrelevant.

The matter is now with the relevant authorities to proceed as they see fit.

  ·  last year Reveal Comment

how someone is making hundreds of dollars, using their posts.
it's higly unfair.

If the dollar amounts displayed equated to real money then it would be unfair. But the dollar amounts are fabricated as the real world amount is actually $0.

  ·  last year Reveal Comment
  ·  last year Reveal Comment