The research A2P Messaging: Key Vertical Opportunities & Grey Route Traffic 2016-2021, has found that global operator revenue loss from “Grey Route” A2P traffic will amount to $62 billion over the next 6 years, despite the increased deployment of firewalls and other security measures.
I am in VoIP Business for 2 years already , and what blew up mind was the Buy price US ( 0.002$/Min) and make a call in Africa lets take average example Ivory Coast Mob 0.27$/min. We can find some countries in Africa especially where the prices are up to 0.50cts/min ! Why so much differences ? I will tell you : Corruption + Monopolism. In liberal market such as Asian / European / NA the prices are very cheap due of liberalization of market, few days ago Roaming in EU are Free. But what with the rest of the World ?
In order to provide a cheap traffic VoIP providers uses Grey Routes, also called illegal traffic cause of local operators do not control this traffic and international calls are provided us local calls. Providers Softswitch will almost always use a grey route over of white route to provide a international call. Therefore local operators are not happy, and they try to ban Terminators ( VoIP call termination is used to refer to the procedures that are used for routing telephone calls from one provider to the next provider until the call has been routed to the last telephone company and has been received by the recipient )
But problem is still here, in poor countries the traffic are high price to pay and in developed countries traffic are cheap.
How can CallCoin resolve this problem?
Our world is transforming, we emerge to sharing economy eg : Uber, AirBnb, Lending Club, etc...
If a Ivorian can share his mobile minute for 0.05$/min, 1h/day. He can earn up to 90$/month.
I take really short here, just to show you where is value.
To realize this, i speak with different specialists in different area, such as blockchain, android developers, back-end engineers conclusion it is possible.
The domain name is .org, because this project has real mission statement.
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