Follow the story as the USGS is monitoring the potential for active (re-activation) volcanoes which may awaken.
Interesting read and video:
Among the 18 "very high threat volcanoes," 11 are along the Cascade Range in three states (Alaska and Hawaii have the others):
California: Lassen Volcanic Center, Long Valley Caldera, Mount Shasta
Oregon: Crater Lake, Mount Hood, Newberry, South Sister of The Three Sisters
Washington: Baker, Glacier Peak, Rainier, St. Helens
Of all Cascade volcanoes, Mount Rainier is the most dangerous:
Even a small eruption on Rainier could have very serious consequences, A big eruption, of course, would have far-flung consequences, but the way Rainier is situated, its size and the amount of ice and snow up there, even a small one could produce a pretty significant lahar that would put a significant number of people in hazard's way.