Nobody should make this much money!

in voluntaryism •  9 years ago 

Hey, my name is Mike Daneau and I'm a voluntaryist. Voluntaryism is a philosophical belief that all human interaction should be voluntary and free of coercion and force. One of my many pet peeves is when I hear someone say "Nobody should be allowed to make that much money!" You may hear that said about sports athletes or CEOs of an organization. "Nobody should be allowed...." Right off the bat the speaker is rejecting peaceful voluntary exchange. What the statement insinuates is "There should be a law against making that much money." My question is usually something like "Who exactly are YOU to be the decider of such voluntary exchange that doesn't even involve you?" The fact is if an owner of a professional sports team wants to charge 10,000 dollars a ticket and he sells out every game, meaning, 80 thousand people paid 10,000 dollars on average to go to a game. If the owner and the player in question agree on a salary of 100 million dollars a year for five or six years (500-600 million dollars) who exactly is in the position to decide that's too much money? All value IS subjective. So with that being said if someone is willing to pay 10 thousand dollars of their own money in exchange for seeing a professional athlete perform, that's his prerogative. If enough people decide they're not willing to pay the amount of money that's being asked for then the owner won't make enough money to pay the players the amount of money that YOU seem to be so against him making. The market is the ultimate decider of whether an organization flourishes or if it crashes and burns. All it cares about is whether or not someone can provide a good service.

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Welcome to steemit! People being meddlesome in others lives thru govt is unacceptable. Leads to a laundry list of problems the least of which is roads!


I think it comes down to the fact that there are so many neo Malthusians in the world today. They seem to think because they believe resources are so limited they should have the right to relegate how they are distributed. I honestly think we can trace a lot of our worlds problems back to this philosophy and the ideas that follow from it.