Interesting Articles #3

in voluntaryism •  8 years ago 

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 How Private Arbitration Could Nullify the State 

This  is an article providing a unique method of nullifying the state: have  parties agree to binding arbitration in the case of a dispute. The  arbitration agency would only enforce what was voluntarily agreed to by  both of the parties and punish aggression instead persecuting people for  victimless “crimes”. The government (at least in the U.S., where  binding arbitration is legal) can’t do anything to stop it because they  are unable to get either party into its court system. 

Instead of Solving Rapes and Murders, Cops Spent Months Undercover in Burger King for $75 Pot Bust

 This just goes to show both the senselessness of the Drug War and the  fact that cops are the worst aggressors, not lousy protectors. 

The Internet Was Just Taken Over by a Global Monopoly, And No One Even Noticed 

This is scary. This also demands that we look to something more  secure, more decentralized, and more anonymous than the internet the  average guy uses now. Some great tools to achieve this are VPNs, Tor,  and the largely unknown but excellent I2P.

 Cop Handcuffs then Tasers Mentally Disabled High School Student for Being Tardy

 Police State to children: “Get your daily dose of propaganda or else!”

 ‘F**k this Guy, I’m Going to Hit Him’ — Cop Records Himself Trying to Kill Mentally Ill Man With Patrol Car  

The police are becoming soldiers trained to execute “disorderlies”.  The worst kind of filth is found when someone’s job is to force his will  or the will of others onto an innocent person with violence.

 Breaking: Hillary Clinton Considered Using Drone Strike to Kill WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange

 Hillary Clinton has a history of murdering people who inconvenience  her, and even such high-profile persons like Julian Assange aren’t  exempt from her reign of terror.

 BREAKING: Pentagon Caught Paying PR Firm $540 Million to Make Fake Terrorist Videos 

The first casualty of war is truth, and the USG is no exception.  Produce propaganda, create mass hysteria, seize power (and money), wash,  rinse, repeat.

 BREAKING Wikileaks Bombshell Appears to be Coming 

Can’t wait! 

Is this man Bill Clinton’s love child? Prostitute’s son says ex-President is his father and claims Hillary ‘banished’ him 

The Clinton Clan is morally disordered and absolutely disgusting.

 Al-Qaeda Commander: US Forces Are Arming Us In Syria 

 This is something that needs to be known. The information is out there, but the mainstream media won’t let you uncover it.

 Oops They Did it Again: US ‘Misdirected’ Drone Strike on Somalia Kills 22 Civilians, Soldiers 

An accident due to incompetence or on purpose to create more angry terrorist organizations.

 Libertarianism and War 

A great article that I would recommend everyone read. 

Spaniards, Exhausted by Politics, Warm to Life Without a Government 

Got this from Lew Rockwell’s political blog, and thought it was  interesting. Spain is not quite without a government, it just doesn’t  have a growing government.

 Wards of the Nanny State: Protecting America’s Children from Police State Goons, Bureaucratic Idiots and Mercenary Creeps 

Children are brainwashed and subjected to all kinds of pointless  government control for the very purpose of making them docile adults.

 Hillary’s Glass-Hurling, Cursing Fit of Rage, and Dangling Noose Allusion 

Hillary is a psycopath who, if it weren’t for politics, would be in a  straightjacket sitting in an institution for the criminally insane.

Delhi Cuts Copyright: Why Are Government Courts Involved at All? 

Finally great news of government courts curtailing government’s own privilages!

 On This Speed Limit Business

 From the article: ” What are speed limits, exactly? I know … a number on a sign.”

 That’s all for today, folks! 

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