Something most people are missing and it cripples them.

in voluntaryism •  5 years ago 

We really do control our own destinies. Whether you want to believe it or not. It is your beliefs that eventually take you to the results you are getting.

For those that blame government, consider it like a child blaming the teacher that because the teacher taught them 2+2=3, they can't get the right answer.

Government and it's many institutions may have conditioned and programmed many to believe they are trying to solve the problems but the reality is they can't. They don't have the tools or the mentality. The use of violence is an addiction that only gets worse over time and lowers consciousness. A downward spiral into nothingness. It is a indication of ignorance and desperation and a lack of thinking or creativity.

This is why freedom is so valuable. It is unleashing the greatest resource on the planet, the human mind.

However, there is an additional element that violence, and the system created to employ it, hampers. That is the necessity to be able to work together, to help each other, to communicate and understand each other and learn from and teach each other. And most importantly, trust each other.

We don't need government to teach us the right answer. We can teach and learn from each other. It isn't a fight between the collective and the individual, it's understanding we need both. Properly employed, we become dynamos of energy and ideas. As cognizant confident responsible free individuals, when we work together respectfully, problems get solved, new ideas become reality and the quality of life improves for everyone because new choices appear.

An individual with a good idea in a supportive community willing to help each other learn and grow is going to be able to turn that idea into reality.

The ideology that advanced mankind's quality of living exponentially in just 200 years after 8,000 years of feudalism and relatively no improvement was the recognition and understanding of a belief that authority isn't in a King or Queen or government entity or official... but within each individual. When that was practiced and understood by a large enough community... that's when the explosion of ideas and solutions happened.

Since then, the parasites devised and maintained the old system, felt threatened in their ignorance, have tried and for the large part succeeded in putting that discovery back in the box via deception.

I'll refer to two books that outline that very well. Rose Wilder Lane's "The Discovery of Freedom" and John Taylor Gatto's "The Underground History of American Education". Be sure to check those out!

The future is bright if we each take on the responsibility of learning and teaching each other, respecting each other, and understanding with precision what is truly valuable and also what is harmful. I call that "Ethical Emergence" and I have an initial project called Local Dynamo I'd like to invite people who recognize this value to manifest it into reality.

Outrage is just the first step. Move on to step two!

Local Dynamo3.jpg

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