RE: Introduction - Rise of Voluntaryism in a Somewhat Barbarian Country

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Introduction - Rise of Voluntaryism in a Somewhat Barbarian Country

in voluntarysm •  9 years ago  (edited)

Unless we end all forms of man made government, government will end mankind.
Here in England the courts are nothing to do with justice, they are corporations geared up to make as much money as they can. It is the order followers that we really need to work on, we have to remember that these people have been brainwashed and they are in a trance serving the slave masters. When they use force or threaten you with false they are engaged in the logical fallacy called Argumentum ad Baculinum. I recently posted the following to my FB wall and hasten to add this is an hypothetical exchange between me and a magistrate:

Most people who have not read any philosophy have no clue as to the fallacies that people in authority are using. I believe knowing them makes it easy to expose their arguments and torpedo their claims.

One that stands out is this one
Idiot in Court: You must pay Taxes

Moi: Why

Idiot in Court: Because everyone pays them.

Moi: That is a logical fallacy popularly called appealing to the majority and technically called by us philosophers

Argumentum ad Populum

Would you like me to elucidate further?

This fallacy occurs when an argument panders to popular passion or sentiment. When, for instance, a politician exclaims in a debate that his opponent "is out of step with the beliefs of everyone in the audience," he/she is committing the fallacy. The legitimacy of a statement depends not on its popularity, but on its truth credentials.
Logical fallacy Intelligent people can see that your claim is false Sir it is like arguing that we must all jump off a cliff because others have jumped off the cliff then smile and wait for the reaction.

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Qiute a few judges I had misfortune to meet are organic robots uncapable of thinking outside their imaginary box of law.