Common name: Crawler
Memory length: N/A
Danger rating: Low
V-D009 appears seemingly at random, to the great distress of whatever observes it. It manifests on the walls, ceilings, and floors of an area as an enormous number of eyes. The eyes are all homogeneous in same shape and color, though this shape and color can vary between observed appearences. The size of the eyes can vary greatly in the same appearance, with some being barely perceptible while others can span several meters. Attempting to touch an eye will cause it to vanish before establishing visible contact.
Appearances can last between a couple minutes to several hours. There is no known method to communicate with the phenomenon, or if it even has a notable amount of sentience. Equivalently, any attempts to destroy it invoke no real reaction or measurable change in the time it takes to vanish.
Combat and Abilities:
V-D009 takes a massive toll on the psyche of anyone caught within its effects. This remains consistent across all subjects exposed to it, no matter how short exposure is or how stable the individual was before they were exposed. The damage is not irreversible, but that does not mean it is negligible.
The damage caused by V-D009 is primarily deep paranoia. Those suffering from exposure will find difficulty sleeping, walking in public, or even talking with anyone but their closest friends and family. Additional effects include reduced fine motor control, inhibited ability to focus, and vastly reduced apetite. That third effect seems to be one of the more noticeable ones, as all exposed individuals will frequently lose a large percentage of their weight.
There is very little that can be done to contain V-D009 or prevent exposure. Instead, a full psychological therapy program has been created to accelerate recovery for those affected. Overall danger rating has been set to low, given the deadliness of this entity is low, all things considered.
Same post on Minds