beetle matches wooden matches

in vote •  7 years ago 

this wooden destructive beetle juja sucking honey, this beetle easily found at home wooden walls, this beetle while the wooden borer, also nest in the wood that has been scraped

How to Expel Wood Bees

Wood bees resemble bumble bee bees, both of which have similar structures and body colors. However, unlike other types of bees, bees are generally not aggressive. Only female bees can sting, and only sting if provoked. This creature loves a tree-lined environment, because they love to dig tunnels in the wood to build nests. The following article explains how to beat wooden bees and prevent them from coming back.

Take advantage of available pesticides. Pesticide-shaped pesticides are the most effective pesticides to be used in active honeycomb. Products such as Carbaryl (Sevin) powder and boric acid (Borid Turbo Aerosol) include effective pesticide products.

Spray their hide hole with gasoline. A proven way to fight bees is to spray petrol or diesel into their hiding holes. Gasoline and diesel are homemade pesticides, if you want. This artificial pesticide will kill them, but the gasoline is flammable and can damage the affected building, so use it carefully

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