archive vortex 11.11.16 reading notes

in votex •  6 years ago 

Michelle Walling, CHLC Guest writer,

This is an urgent message for all those who know they are here to bring in a new reality to Earth! Read this article in its entirety as soon as possible, as it has time sensitive information pertaining to the 11.11 portal, the result of the shocking U.S. election, and our new jobs as co-creators of a new reality.

Attention wayshowers, lightworkers, game masters, psychics, time travelers, starseeds, indigos, magicians, gods, and goddesses! This article and the three videos are presented for your understanding of the most powerful 11.11 portal we will have experienced in this lifetime. I will also share with you my findings of what you can do on Nov. 11, 2016 to continue to bring about the new reality that all of us have hoped for.

I have experienced a bizarre and jaw dropping day today, Nov. 10. I have time traveled, jumped timelines, and witnessed magic since leaving the house early this morning. I will not go into each and every detail and synchronicity because I need to immediately share the importance of the 11.11 portal but I will share a few things so that you know how serious I am about this. In short, I have seen evidence of our reality morphing very fast now, and when this happens it shows that manifestation abilities are at an all time high.

Today I watched my breakfast sandwich morph from having no egg on it one moment, only to be handed back to me in an instant proving that there was egg on it after all. I literally sat with my mouth open and wondered what the hell just happened. The Mandela Effect proved itself right before my very eyes, showing that we are shifting timelines and portals are opening for manifestation and change in our reality.

As I was trying to leave Florida to visit my family in Texas, I never made it out of Florida. I was listening to Barbara Marciniak’s “Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library” video, and after reaching I-10 in Florida, I drove 2 hours west and then found myself re-tracing my steps, heading east after stopping to get gas. Before I realized what had happened, I lost 4 hours of time when I finally saw that I was back where I had already been. After analyzing what had just happened and realizing the importance of the next day, Nov. 11, I decided to continue to drive back toward home in Florida after all because of the importance of what the 11.11 portal was all about.

After hearing all of Barbara’s “Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library“, which had me all wired up full of energy and ideas, I was led to look at my new You Tube videos. The very first video was from Magenta Pixie. When I listened to it, it all came clear as to why I had to go back home for the 11.11 portal. Magenta has two videos out about the 11.11.

Here is Magenta’s first 11.11 video, published yesterday:

In November of 2016 we are moving through a series of “critical mass node points”, also known as stargates. We will move into one of these stargates on the 11th of November, due to the frequencies of oneness. This is called the 11.11 stargate, and occurs on November 11 at 11:11 am or pm, (or truly any time of the day on November 11). “The significance of the 11.11runs deep and is multi leveled” according to Magenta.

I recently wrote an article called “What Does The 11:11 Repetition Mean To You?”, which I was drawn to share just two weeks ago that shares some significance of the 11 repetition. At the time I wrote it, I wasn’t even thinking of November 11 but now I see the significance of the master number explanation.

11.11 is a special stargate because it is a precursor to the 12-21-16 stargate at the winter solstice, which will bring into fruition what you wished to manifest on the 11.11. This is huge after a big shift in the collective consciousness like the one we just witnessed where we had the election surprise because it gives the manifestation a huge PUSH. According to Magenta, even BREXIT had a part in preparing for the election energy push. This manifestation energycontinues through the first three months in 2017 to the spring equinox.

A “node point” is a node of convergence of your higher selves, or your simultaneous lifetimes where timelines meet. At a node point, you can use the manifestation intention, codes, and wisdom of your other lifetimes to create magic. At this point, there is no time and all selves stand within the divine blueprint of perfection. As this is what we would like to achieve in our reality, we can bring this through the node point or stargate.

In Barbara’s “Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library” video, she described that time travelers who came from the future to the time we are in now had to follow “time stamps” to navigate time, since it doesn’t really exist. Time stamps are major consciousness shifting events that happen and mark specific points in time. She named a few points that many will recognize, like the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, the splitting on the atom, and the splitting of the second. At that moment, I realized that Tuesday’s election, and more specifically waking up to Wednesday to find Trump had won, was indeed one of those time stamps. In other words, it was a “node” and timelines had shifted because of the election outcome.

Also see: Energy Update – Political Shocker Reveals New Timeline

All day today I saw 11 repeated at least 20 times (if not more) in my reality. 777, 211, 1111, 220, 222, 88, 888, and more. I would not pay attention to any mile markers for miles and miles and then find myself looking over at that very moment to see a 222. I hadn’t thought about looking at my odometer and then would look down to see 84,7111.1. I wasn’t looking at any license plates and just happened to look up at a 777 with 3 letters in front of me. All was pointing to yes you are on the right track, and yes this is indeed happening now.

I am seeing the evidence I have asked for to prove that we are indeed shifting. As Magenta mentions in today’s video, many people knew something big was about to happen, but many may have misinterpreted it into mass E.T. landings or something quick or and catastrophic. This is way more beneficial and important than that. Not only that, but the 11.11 portal she is seeing is larger than any other portal she has seen in her lifetime. It’s larger than 12-21-12, and they will just continue to get bigger and bigger until our reality shifts. Please take the time now to listen to her urgent update to her 11.11 portal here, as it seems that Magenta gained a whole lot of clarity today also.

Today’s Magenta video:

As Magenta mentioned, there seems to be a full spectrum of how people reacted to the U.S. election results. Some people who are awake and aware are not giving the election any of their energy, while others are devastated, confused, and are even crying and hysterical. Something huge shifted, an opening to a massive awakening, and not everyone is handling it the same.

I can also report that Gregg Prescott and I are not Trump supporters (nor were we Clinton supporters). But on Wednesday morning, we felt so happy and knew that something big had just happened. We felt as if a huge weight had been lifted, and Magenta references something huge happening in her video. Gregg also had a Mandela effect event occur today while I was off driving all day in circles. He got a bottle of Windex out and took it to the other room to clean a table. When he returned to the kitchen, there was another bottle of Windex on the counter, as if he never took the first bottle! Call it a timeline shift, overlap, or merge, though it is hard to label it in our understanding.

When we have these things happen to us, we should trust our heart and our intuition. In other words, I said, to myself “Oh, I see, all of the synchronicities led me to this one moment and I understand the anomaly” (after a brief moment of thing WTF just happened!”. Gregg did not freak out or get frightened when he put the first bottle of Windex down next to the second bottle that appeared out of nowhere. We had each other to witness and share with (on the phone) and that definitely made it easier to handle.

Our new job as wayshowers is to hold the space for those who are in fear about what is happening and what our future holds. We can do this because we know that we are creating a new reality, and to do this, the old one must crumble. This means we must exhibit calmness and unconditional love for others and ourselves. It is time for us to be the example and vibrate at the zero point frequency of creation and sovereignty. It is also important for us to share this information far and wide to our brothers and sisters so that they realize what is happening will be wonderful.

See Related article “Finding The Doorway Out Of The Matrix“

“Atlantis has risen”~ Magenta Pixie

As the old matrix falls, a new reality is simultaneously rising. Some people will be seeing a very different picture than others. What we are experiencing is new and has not been witnessed or felt before. Just as I saw an egg appear out of nowhere on my breakfast sandwich, I could have completely freaked out and lost my mind if I wasn’t prepared prior to experience this.

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